Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Supplements are no shortcuts when it comes to muscle building

By Jon Cardozo

If you have ever read a book on goal setting, you know that one of the most important concepts is being able to divide your goal into smaller chunks. Writing your goal on paper and pointing out obstacles from the very beginning are also important to help you reach your destination. However, I think the most important aspect of goal setting has to be the emphasis on long-term gains instead of short-term achievements.

I realize that so many times in my own life I've been focusing on the immediate returns I might gain from investing my time, but any worthwhile achievement will take time and effort to accomplish. My tendency has always been to start a project with alacrity and hope, but shortly after starting my new project I would give up because I didn't see any quick results. What does this have to do with weight training?

In previous articles I mentioned the importance of following the fundamentals for weight gain and strength training instead of looking for a wonder supplement. I wanted to emphasize that achieving huge muscle gains is about following the proper diet (increasing calories and protein) and gradually lifting heavier weights.

Let's face it, supplements are not the core of a muscle building program, regardless of what the advertisements out there might be telling you. The latest supplement fad from the bodybuilding gurus will not improve your workout or make up for your lack of self discipline.

If supplements are not necessary for muscle building, why are they so popular? I think the main reason is that many beginners (and perhaps a few veterans who should know better) are looking for an easy solution. If you look around in our society today, most people seem to be focused on short term gratification and not on long-term happiness. They look for the easy way out and are easily distracted by a new trend or fad. It is crucial for any beginning bodybuilder to understand that the fundamentals are all about proper workout techniques and a solid nutrition plan.

Most people don't want to believe that muscle building supplements are not really necessary, but it's true. They're not going to help you unless you're an advance trainee who has already optimized his workouts and nutrition plan.

Even if you're an advanced trainer, supplements are only going to help slightly. The fundamental components have not changed and never will. Resistance training and nutrition may not be that glamorous, but they are the fundamentals that will help you achieve success.

I know it doesn't sound very exciting when you're told that supplements are not the way to go and that you'll have to work hard to achieve the results that you want. It's also not that comforting to imagine all of the workouts you'll have to complete and how strict you'll have to be with your diet plan. However, when you realize that there really are no shortcuts, you have to decide whether or not it's worth it. I think you know that it is worth it, but you just have to start thinking about long-term results. - 17269

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