Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Want a 6 pack fast? Sure fire ways to boost your metabolism!

By Max Burn

Obtaining 6 pack abs can be like finding a mythical creature like a Pegasus. Weve all heard that its possible for us to get a 6 pack and have seen countless pictures of body builders but cant seem to find a formula that works for us. We are constantly being told, by infomercials, that getting a ripped midsection is so easy that we begin to doubt ourselves and wonder if there's something wrong with us. Well let me tell you that there are a few steps that you can take to achieve those rock hard abs you want and sit ups are not the answer. The key to getting a washboard stomach is to reduce the amount of body fat around your midsection by increasing you metabolism. Effectively boosting your metabolism allows your body to burn more fat even when you're NOT working out!

Just start moving more! The fastest way to boost your metabolism is to get more active. If you can work out first thing in the morning you will do more fat burning than hours on those crunch machines. The reason why morning workouts are so effective is that you kick start your metabolism which is in sleep mode until you start moving around. Just like Breakfast breaks you nighttime fasting, working out in the morning helps you break your metabolism out of its slow nighttime mode. The other benefit of an AM workout is you get the benefit of the "after burn" effect where you body continues to burn fat throughout the day even when you're not working out.

Be sure to eat more, smaller meals more often. Typically, eating 5-6 small meals per day is ideal for keeping your metabolism at a high burn. Since we really don't have to worry about where our next meal is coming from, unlike our ancient ancestors, it's ok for our metabolisms to burn high all the time. Our bodies are programmed to slow our metabolism down if the time between meals stretches longer than about 4 hours. This is our bodies way of fighting starvation because our ancestors might need to go a day or two with out eating if they couldn't catch food. So we trick our bodies into burning hot and inefficient all the time by eating meals frequently. This also helps to reduce cravings by keeping your blood sugar levels smooth. Remember, extreme dips in blood sugar cause our bodies to crave sugar, fat, and sometimes salt.

One important step any fitness minded individual must remember is to focus on your written goals. "Written Goals???" Yes, write down your diet, and exercise goals and the reason why you want to achieve those rock hard abs. Maybe you are going to be in a wedding and you want to be in great shape or you want to look good on the beach this summer. Whatever the reason make sure you keep it at the forefront of your mind to keep you motivated to stay on your fitness plan.

So if you want 6 pack abs now give your metabolism a boost! Work out in the morning instead of the evening and get the after burn effect of AM training. Eat more often so that you can keep your metabolism burning at a high level all day. Finally, eat a lean protein with every meal to slow your digestion and keep your blood sugar levels in check which will also keep your sugar cravings in check as well. - 17269

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