Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Do I Need to Cleanse My Colon?

By Alissa Lee

To obtain a healthy colon we must be active in colon cleansing, parasite cleansing, and detoxing, these are essential to good health. As we eat everything ends up in our bowls as toxins. Constipation, candida and being overweight can occur if toxins build up in our system, leading to these diseases.

You may ask yourself, "Why should I try a colon cleanse?" One word...Toxins.

Are you suffering from some sort of ailment, constipation, acne, candida, brain fog, or sluggishness? If you are, you are most likely feeling this due to a problem with your colon.

Your colon is one organ that affects all the other organs in your body, whether it be directly or indirectly. When your colon is clogged up, your liver can not do its job. When this happens your liver cannot work efficiently and the kidney suffers. To begin curing these symptoms, doctors recommend a colon cleanse process.

For most of us, toxins and mucoid plaque fill our colons. These conditions lead to our colon being clogged, which may lead to constipation. How did we reach this state? We reached this state of unhealthiness by bad dieting, poor lifestyle choices, and poor living conditions.

Most Americans diet consists of too much protein. Although protein is necessary and completely healthy, too much can lead to over-acidity. If your body contains too much acid, it can damage your colon and deplete the necessary minerals and electrolytes from your body. This disables the colon to attack harmful bacteria, and toxins.

Overeating is a growing problem. Not only can weight gain be a huge problem, but overeating can have serious long-term effects. To be honest, we should only eat approximately one handful of food during one meal. Overeating makes our colon work harder and this leads to an overuse of enzymes.

Unhealthy colons today are also effected by our environment. We are faced with pollution, secondary smoking, harmful chemicals, pesticides, and other dangerous pollutions every day. To get rid of these nasty chemicals, our immune system must work overtime. This leads to a weakening of the immune system, which also leads to a weakening of the colon.

You can treat many of these symptoms by cleansing your colon. Treating these symptoms will make you feel better and strengthen your inner organs. By cleansing your colon you are ridding your body of toxins that accumulate do to an unhealthy diet, environmental pollution, and chemicals, and a constant use of antibiotics.

Bowel cleansing not only cleanses your colon, but it indirectly cleans your small intestines, large intestines, and stomach as well. Trying a colon cleanse regiment can help anyone, even if you are not suffering from constipation.

Day after day our bodies are subject to unhealthy toxins. These toxins come from stress, overeating, under-eating, unhealthy diets, and environmental pollution. All of these toxins place a burden on our colon and make it work harder than it needs to. Cleaning our colons can remove these toxins and make our colon more efficiently. - 17269

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