Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, April 13, 2009

Fuel Your Brain with Fish Oil

By Michael Byrd

Grandma was right. She knew fish was brain food and she didn't need a science degree to figure it out.

Hardly a day goes by without reading about a scientific study that shows how fish oil is good for the brain. Research shows everyone seems to benefit from fish oil brain benefits - from the baby in the womb to senior citizen Alzheimer's victims.

Omega 3 DHA and EPA fatty acids constitute about 70% of a baby's developing brain. These fatty acids are essential for a baby's brain development and emotional wellbeing. The optimum development of a baby's brain and emotional wellbeing depends on these fatty acids. And the only way a baby can get this nutrition is from its mother's diet. That's why the National Institutes of Health (NIH) suggests that all pregnant and nursing mothers take 1200 mg of DHA and EPA on a daily basis.

Yet, the average pregnant or nursing woman gets only about 18% of the NIH recommended amount. Actually, just 3% of the women surveyed were getting the omega 3 they needed in their diet.

If the fetus doesn't get the DHA and EPA it needs from the mother's diet, the baby takes what it can get from the mother's brain. Depleted DHA and EPA is why many women lose almost 3% of their brain mass during nine months of pregnancy. A lot of experts believe this depletion may be the major reason for post-partum depression.

If Mom's not eating fish and getting enough DHA and EPA, you can bet her other kids aren't either. And this omega 3 fatty acid deficiency is now linked to ADD and ADHD behavior problems, temper tantrums and learning difficulties.

But a British research team recently reported that omega 3 fish oil supplements can significantly reduce ADD, ADHD and dyslexia symptoms. After six months of omega 3 capsule supplementation, children with behavioral, social and learning difficulties tested six months higher in spelling and a year higher in reading skills.

Eating fish two or three times a week and/or taking a daily omega 3 fish supplement with DHA and EPA is good for adult brains too.

While on the other hand, natural relief for these conditions has been linked to eating fish on a regular basis or taking fish oil supplements.

There's also good fish oil news for aging baby boomers who would like to avoid joining the already five million Americans who have Alzheimer's disease. By eating more fish on a regular basis they can lower their risk of Alzheimer's by 39% and dementia by 47%.

Stroke or "brain attack" can also be prevented by eating more fish. The Harvard Medical School studied over 43,000 men over a 12 year period and discovered that the men who ate fish only once a month reduced their risk of ischemic (blood clot) stroke by 44%. A daily aspirin, however, reduced stroke risk by just 21%.

If you want the best for your brain, listen to Grandma.Eating fish on a regular basis and taking fish oil supplements is one of the best things you can do for your brain. So be smart and listen to Grammy. - 17269

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