Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Learn Why Anti Aging Vitamin and Health Supplements Aren't All They Claim To Be

By Brett Seagrott

The nutritional supplement industry has created an enormous market playing, in part, on consumers fears. As a result of a widespread increase in the publics dietary knowledge, there has been a rapidly increasing demand in the use of nutritional supplements as a form of preventative health-care and protection from serious disease.

The ease of access to information has educated far more people in basic nutritional health, helping acknowledge the tragic state of our mainstream health. Consequently, there has been a huge upward trend in the use of nutritional supplements as a kind of self health-care to guard against the destructive health effects of twenty first century living .

Processed food accounts for approximately 90 percent of the US food supply. Living in the modern world is subjecting us continuously to environmental and nutritional toxins / stressors. The effect has been a speeding up of our aging process which inevitably leads to a gradual descent into degenerative disease. Premature aging is the single greatest health threat now faced by most developed western nations.

Nutritional supplement manufacturers base a large part of their marketing literature on 'indirectly implying' their products will create the healthy and happy lifestyle people so desperately want without the need to make any other changes to their lifestyles.

As a result, nutritional supplement companies are playing on this desire for all it's worth and indirectly promoting health nutritional supplements a type of 'magic nutrition pill'!

Unfortunately the extent of mistruths and 'souped-up' product claims for health and vitamin nutritional supplements is nothing short of disgusting! Professional marketing spin along with mis-leading statistics in highly sophisticated presentations, are able to lead consumers into the purchasing decisions which the manufacturers want.

The huge supplement companies naturally possess the greatest marketing budgets giving them much greater access to resources for building (artificial) credibility and for 'working' their versions of the truth. While the majority of the scientific basis underlying their products is true, it is what they are holding back and not revealing which is the real problem for supplement users. These are facts exposing weaknesses in their product's overall efficacy and highlighting extremely weak value for money.

The large multi-national supplement companies have the largest marketing budgets giving them far greater access to resources for developing brand awareness and trustworthiness as well as for 'spinning' their versions of the truth. While the majority of the scientific basis for their supplements is true, it is what they are not telling their customers which is the real issue. Little known facts revealing shortfalls in their product's efficacy, quality and value for money.

Ninety nine percent of anti aging nutritional health and vitamin supplements have major deficiencies in their formulas, stopping them from achieving, to any substantial extent, the health and lifestyle benefits promoted. These are facts which the companies have gone to great lengths over time to hide. The publics' lack of extensive knowledge of nutritional science, allows the manufacturers of market leading supplement brands to greatly exaggerate their effectiveness.

99% of vitamin and health based nutritional supplements have major weaknesses preventing them from achieving, to a highly effective degree, their published health claims. These are facts which the companies have hidden from their customers for years. The publics' lack of extensive knowledge of nutritional science , allows the manufacturers of market leading supplement brands to grossly exaggerate their capabilities.

Let me highlight once more that the kind of supplements I'm talking about are those marketed as premium level, multi ingredient nutritional supplements. That is, high quality supplements with science-based formulas providing total nutritional balance using a very broad spectrum of ingredients from ALL nutrient categories (vitamins, enzymes, antioxidants, amino acids, ,etc)

At the most basic level these supplements top up any minor or borderline nutrient deficiencies, just as the cheaper multivitamins do but then they go on to do far more by offering powerful anti aging benefits which can slow / normalize your aging and optimize your health to provide heightened nutritional support which prevents the onset of degenerative disease.

The average price range of these types of nutritional supplements is $35 - $45 - A major expense for the majority of consumers, considering that to receive maximum health benefits you will need to continue using supplements for the rest of your life. It therefore makes prudent financial sense to know how to dissect the fanciful marketing claims and determine once and for all exactly which nutritional supplements can achieve these essential capabilities:

A) Completely achieve their marketing claims

B) Provide leading value for your money

Now, from a legal point of view, all these leading supplements can be said to provide these health benefits, 'to some degree', but the sixty four million dollar question is: to what extent? This of course is the part the manufacturers play around with through their marketing spin and clever presentations!

From a legal standpoint these types of supplements can be said to provide their health claims (to some degree) BUT TO WHAT ACTUAL EXTENT? This of course is the part which the manufacturers manipulate and it is the most important issue for savvy supplement consumers.!

So, basically stated, to slow and normalize the aging process you must focus on addressing and treating the causes of aging!


So, now we come to the heart of the anti aging supplement claims:

Now, here's the crux of these anti aging supplement claims:

Here They Are:

* Free radicals

* Free radicals

* Methylation

* Inflammation

Each is scientifically established for the creation of degenerative disease! Therefore, you can only truly be successful with your anti aging program if you address and treat each one simultaneously on an ongoing basis.

The complex task of normalizing premature aging requires a number of very specialized ingredients, some of which are rarely used due to their high cost as well as their need for protection while passing through the acidic environment of the stomach. To evaluate the efficacy of nutritional supplements with anti aging claims, we simply need to look at the names of all these special key ingredients and then look at the level of their inclusion in any supplement formula.

To determine effectiveness and approximate value for money of nutritional supplements (premium level anti aging types), we must know the names of all these special ingredients to examine to what extent they are present in a supplement formula.

So, here's the answer you are properly wondering about: right about now - 'YES', there are multi ingredient health nutritional supplements out there which do include ALL the specialized anti aging ingredients, have an enteric coating, and offer exceptional value for money (with a competitive price tag within a handful of dollars of th prices of all the well known market leaders which are not up to the task.!)

Get all the information related to this topic at www.nutritional-supplement-truths.com Once you've arrived click through to the supplement comparisons and reviews page.

The information you need is all laid out on my 'best vitamin supplements' comparisons and reviews page over at nutritional-supplement-truths.com

Happy Health! - 17269

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