Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Candida Cleanse is a Colonic for the 21st Century

By Eleanor Candy

Candida is a genus of yeast that live inside the bodies of host animals, human's included.

This genus of yeast lives inside the bodies of host animals from insects to humans. Like all yeast, Candida is living organisms. In certain cases of yeast infection, some people do a Candida Cleanse, the name for a colonic that targets the Candida where it is most plentiful - in the intestine.

Yeast infections not surprisingly occur in the areas where there are yeast; the mouth, the gut and the genitals. Back in the Seventies there was a debate over the extent to which uncontrolled yeast might not infect internal organs, causing other problems that go undiagnosed.

This debate was and is widely dismissed by mainstream medicine. In the opinion of the establishment, yes, yeast infections do occur in the genitals, mouth and intestines, but these are best treated with topical ointments or, at worst, pills.

The infection of internal organs by yeast was not borne out by competent research. That was where the debate ended as far as the mainstream was/is concerned.

Over the past twenty years the number of immunocompromised patients has increased dramatically. This increase is caused by factors like increased use of chemo-therapy and steroids.

Yeast infections are like a canary in the coal mind - an early warning signal of low immune levels. For cancer and COPD sufferers, a yeast infection can present serious issues.

The theory behind Candida Cleanse therapy is pretty common sense, if you ask me. A colonic with an appropriate anti-fungal solution is in arguably the fastest, most effective way to significantly reduce the demands placed on the immune system to fight yeast growth.

It is a hard argument to refute, in my opinion. But I'm no doctor. I'm just somebody whose respirologist just told me to use mouthwash every day because my inhaler was causing thrush. - 17269

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