Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, April 17, 2009

Toned Abs & Compound Movements

By Dan Solaris

As countries across the globe develop and more and more people are gaining access to western fast food like burgers and fries, the number of overweight people is fast increasing. A lot of folks are now faced with the dilemma of obesity and oversized bellies.

The most common mistake the figure-conscious make is relying on exercises that isolate the muscles of the midsection to lose excess fat. Though sit-ups, crunches and leg raises may be effective in strengthening the abdominal muscles, they don't do much in melting belly fat and toning the abs.

Leg-raises, sit-ups and crunches do develop and harden the muscles of the midsection, but they don't do really isolate the subcutaneous layer of fat hiding that six pack from full-view. The only way to get flat toned abs is through exercises that burn all-around body fat in the shortest amount of time.

Total-body aerobic workouts are the most effective way to burn enough calories from body fat in the shortest time. Only by doing whole-body movement during our workouts can we hope to burn a significant amount of body fat and flatten an oversized abdomen and love-handles.

Whole body exercises that get all the major muscle groups to exert effort get the cardiovascular system to work at high intensities. This not only strengthen the heart and lungs, they also dilate the blood vessels- improving elasticity and blood flow. It also elevates the body's metabolism resulting in even more calories burned long after you've left the gym.

By maintaining a high metabolism, overweight people can facilitate fat-loss better because more calories are expended throughout the day. This means less calories left over to be stored as body fat. If a person burns more calories than he takes in each day, this will of course lead to loss of belly fat.

Muscle building resistance exercises can also help fight body fat by enabling us to burn more calories. Muscles burn calories even while were not using them. The more muscular a person is therefore, the less time he has to spend in the gym working out.

Whole body cardio exercises, aside from being highly effective in burning massive amounts of calories per session, are also more fun to do. The more a person has fun and looks forward to his workout sessions, the less likely he or she would be prone to get lazy and stop working out. Just as with any other endeavor, consistent exercise is the key to losing fat and getting toned abs with good definition. - 17269

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