Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tips to Help Your Child Loose Weight

By Mae Summerville

All of us should eat a balanced diet. This is especially true for children who's bodies are still growing. For a child who has become obese, they face a whole host of physical and emotional problems. I will suggest a few things that can be done to help prevent your child from becoming an obese teenager.

Obviously physical problems pose an immediate threat to a childs health and should be addressed immediately. These include diabetes, heart problems, asthma, and even cancer. Note that many of these ailments are chronic in nature and will follow the child through the remainder of his/her life. Therefore treatment of obesity needs to occur as soon as it is evident that a child is unable to control their eating successfully.

Besides physical problems they are a host of emotional problems that accompany obesity in children. These include mental abuse in the form of taunting and teasing, or bullying as well as other emotional conditions such as depression. Children especially teens are cruel and so a child in their teens with a weight problem can expect an inordinate amount of emotional abuse. This will many times cause a child to withdraw which furthers damages their ability to develop proper social skills. It also causes anger and resentment to build up in a child and can stay with the child through the remainder of their lives.

There are things you can do to help a child lose and maintain their proper weight:

1. Plan a healthy diet for you family. Eliminate things such as fried foods from the family dinner menu. Try and grill meats so that you eliminate as much fat as possible. Use resources such as the net and nutrition books to come up with healthy, balanced meals for your family.

2. Do not overcook your meals. Use portion control to limit the amount you cook. Do not cook enough for everyone to have seconds. Be sure to incorporate plenty of vegetables in your meals. They are low in calories and many are packed with nutrition. Also be sure you look up the calories in the foods you plan to prepare prior to cooking. Over time you will become able to shop at the store and configure meals in your head that meet your calorie goals.

3. Get rid of the junk food in your house. Keep fresh fruits out for everyone to snack on. If other family members want junk food make them buy it and store it out of sight of others.

4. If needed, encourage your child to join a weight loss group tailored for children or teenagers. This will help with social development as well as helping them to loose weight. Teenagers are heavily influenced by their peer group.

5. Educate yourself in proper health and nutrition. Encourage your child to learn and be sure that you also learn everything you can in regards to dieting and weight loss.

6. Always encourage your child to exercise. Their bodies are still developing and so they need to get up and be active. Limit the amount of time they can play videos or watch TV. Try and make it a family activity to exercise daily. Be sure and tell the child that exercise will increase their metabolism and will help increase their endurance and help them lose weight.

Always use positive reinforcement to help your child lose weight. Teenagers are very impressionable and so you can and should assist them in forming a well rounded sense of themselves. Knowing that you care and are willing to actively participate in helping them loose weight will go a long way to easing or eliminating the emotional impact of being obese. - 17269

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