Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The A, B, and Cs of Growing Taller

By Rodney Williams

To meet its full potential, you need to give your body nutrients. It is well known that people, like the Dutch, who practice good nutrition are consistently taller. Over 200 million children in the world are shorter than they should be because of poor nutrition. Good nutrition begins with getting the right vitamins in your diet.

Most of the foods we eat supply us with vitamins naturally. Vitamins are an essential fuel for life and increasing height. When there is a vitamin deficiency there is often stunted growth and the potential for serious illness.

Vitamins have a profound effect on your body in many ways. Vitamins keep you healthy and they help your body use minerals to increase bone structure. For example, bones cannot grow in length without the mineral Calcium. However, the body needs Vitamin D to absorb calcium and to prevent the deterioration. Vitamin C works to cement cells together and develop the bone matrix as it lengthens. Vitamin A assists in the differentiation of new cells as they are developed.

Not only do vitamins help you grow bones, they give you the health to support this height gain. If it were not for Vitamin B6, you would not be able to absorb the fat and protein you need to produce growth hormones. Also, it relieves stress in muscles so that workouts are more effective. Your body thrives on the energy from red blood cells and Vitamin B12 helps create those cells. Vitamins E and K regulate the oxygen in blood and clotting so that growth hormones can travel better in your bloodstream. Vitamin F strengthens your heart and circulatory system. Vitamin A gives your immune system the boost it needs to support height gain and fight infection.

There are some vitamins that have a more indirect, but still important, effect on increasing height. Vitamins A and B2 keeps your skin soft and healthy so that it can grow with your bones. Most vitamins are absorbed in the digestive track which needs Vitamin B1 to work. Vitamin B6 serves as a diuretic to cleanse your system of the toxins that may keep you from increasing your height.

Getting your vitamins through a well-balanced diet is always preferable to vitamin supplements. Most people already know that citrus and tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C. However, there are plenty of other vitamin-rich foods. Fish is an excellent source of the vitamins your body needs to increase your height. The B group of vitamins is common to livers, kidney, and green leafy vegetables. If you are a vegetarian, you may have to supplement your B vitamins. Cheese can give your body Vitamin B12. You can get Vitamin D from milk, fish oil, and plenty of sunshine. Whole wheat and broccoli can give you plenty of Vitamin E.

Timing is very important in vitamin absorption. Vitamin absorption can change based on your exercise, sleep habits, and the size meals you eat. Water thins out your blood, making easier for vitamins to reach all of your body. The most important thing you can do for your body is to not substitute vitamins for food, because it uses vitamins absorbed naturally the best.

You must track your vitamin consumption to maximize your benefits. Your age, size, and gender all effect how much your body needs to promote health and increase height. Consult your doctor to determine a vitamin regiment that will help you become taller.

A healthy body grows and an unhealthy body is stunted. Your body needs vitamins to stay healthy. Vitamins are best absorbed through the foods you eat. People who have diets that are filled with nutritious, vitamin-rich food tend to be taller than those who do not. If you make sure that you get your daily vitamins, you will find that you can grow. - 17269

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