Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Anything that you focus on expands.

By Taiana Camarado

That's a well-known principle of life that many people have discovered. If you don't like something, and it doesn't make you happy, why would you want to have it in your life? You wouldnt, I'd hope!

Now that you know this unique principle, can you stop focusing on things you don't want? A friend of mine told me a story. When he was teaching classes on how the human mind works, he asked a group of people in a large class, to think of a number from 1 to 10. Then, think of carrot, and then select a color.

From listening to the audio of the class, I recognized that he was using a mind game to leading them in a certain direction. The majority of the people chose 7, carrot, orange! I knew what he was doing, and more than 90% of the group got all 3 correct, and voila he'd given them confirmation of their mind power. Sure, it was a game, but he was expanded their minds in just one minute to believe that they were powerful intuits. He continued.

He said, I've just demonstrated how intuitive you can be without even trying. Next, he asked the students to recall their favorite moments with their family, when they were kids, and everyone was smiling. Then, he asked everyone to remember their first kiss and everyone had big grins. He continued with stimulating memories: the first time we made love, the most passionate time we made love, and then everyone was moving in their seats.

Last, he told us to remember our most frightening moments in life and we were shaking and crying " and he said . Now that you are all scared let me tell you this:

What you think about happens. Whatever you think with either happy feelings or fearful feelings can happen easily! Those emotions make them happen even more faster. Emotions, he said, are the key to making all of it happen. Break Through the Barriers Dramatically Improve Your Mind and Body!

Emotions are feelings, they are emotional energy, they are psychic energy and it's vital to harness and control that energy for good reasons and objetives, not to experience any fear or horror because that will screw up your life plan and life style.

I wanted to get that said, early into this book, because it will be necessary for you to get on the same page with this concept of thought/emotions being energy. As you'll learn, the power of thought is an all important part of the great Secret of the Universe. We'll get back to this later.

Taiana is 26 yrs old. She practices Reiki in her work as a professional body worker, with study and experience in Holistic Therapies. Taiana is also personal trainer, and has extensive experience with coaching people to make the breakthroughs in life, that they've waited for " all their lives. She believes in rekindling the flames of inspiration in life's first step for motivation. Taiana lives in Australia, where she relocated to 16 yrs ago. - 17269

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