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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Different Gouty Arthritis Treatment Options

By P Easton

Gouty arthritis is also known as gout. This article is going to detail the top gouty arthritis treatment methods, as well as some of the causes. First, however, an overview of gout is necessary. Many people do not realize what it is and thus may not even be sure that they have it. It is a classically misunderstood problem.

Gout is actually when you get a burning sensation paired with pain, stiffness and even some swelling of a few joints. Usually, with gout, the attacks of this will continue until you find the proper treatment for this and if you leave gout untreated, it can honestly cause a whole slew of problems. Most often, men are the ones that end up with gout but there have been cases of women having it too.

People who are overweight have a higher chance of getting gout. The same goes if you tend to drink a lot of alcohol, or eat high quantities of fish and meat which have a high purine content. There are even certain medications, like diuretics, which can cause gout in some people.

Typically, gout will begin to occur in the big toe. It can start feeling very tender to the touch, it can turn red and start to swell, and it may experience sharp pains. At other times, the pains associated with gout will take place elsewhere in the foot, in the ankles, or in the knees. Attacks can go on for days or weeks.

A physical exam will be done to diagnose gout. Sometimes, fluids from the joints are taken and checked for uric acid crystals. An abundance of uric acid within the blood is the primary cause for gout. As such, blood tests are also done to diagnose the problem.

Quite often, the treatment of gout can consist of a shot of a medicine called corticosteroid. Sometimes, one or more different medications are prescribed. As the symptoms begin to lessen, the dose will gradually decrease as well. If the treatment begins quickly, the gout patient will begin to feel relief within twenty four hours.

Other treatment options are easier. You can rest the joints which are most affected. There are also anti inflammatory medicines you can get right over the counter. You do not want to take aspirin, though. It can raise the levels of uric acid within your blood stream. Managing your diet is a good idea as well.

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