Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, May 11, 2009

Fish Oil Might Give Young Brains A Super Boost

By Dr. Bill

I was pumped up by the weather report I saw this morning, which predicted a couple of Florida-like days could be coming, later in the week. I'm going to go out and get some Coppertone and lay out on the back porch. (Just kidding... like George Carlin once said, I only get in the sun to neutralize the blue.)

That isn't quite true either, I just prefer not to have to put on a jacket, scarf, gloves, and boots, just to walk to the mailbox. Or to have to use a snowblower to get there.

Because I have been snowed in for most of the winter, I have done quite a bit of reading. I have gathered a lot of new data about fish oil, which is interesting to me, since I had done a very methodical study of fish oil when I was formulating my very own brand. But information keeps flowing in, that underscores my conviction that this company is moving in exactly the right direction.

I recently read a small study by Professor Basant Puri, which I found in the London Daily Mail newspaper. Puri is convinced that school-age children in today's world need supplementation in their diet, to remain healthy. The study concentrated on British schoolchildren, whom Puri believes do not have a healthy diet.

I happen to believe that the situation is much the same here in America.

In Professor Puri's study, he states his belief that British school children have a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids in their diet. He is convinced that their diets must be supplemented, in order to insure that they receive an adequate amount of these essential fatty acids.

Professor Puri is also convinced that adults need the same type of supplementation.

Puri works at Imperial College in London as a professor of Psychiatry, and he also consults on neurological disorders at Hammersmith Hospital.

While participating in Puri's study, the British schoolchildren were given pharmaceutical grade fish oil, and remarkably, within 3 months, it was possible to see substantial gains.

The study showed an average increase in the reading age of the schoolchildren by one and a quarter years, and the youngsters' handwriting became more legible and much neater.

In concentration, three children scored perfect results, even though they were not at the top of their class.

They also achieved dramatic results in short term memory.

The most striking finding emerged in brain scans, which all suggested they had denser nerve fibers.

According to Puri, "The results were astonishing. It was as if the brains of these children were three years older."

I have recommended for years now that adults take pharmaceutical grade fish oil to increase brain function, and I was not surprised that Puri's conclusions were similar for children.

So according to Puri's study, the gains in brain function for children may be just as high, or even higher, than than the gains for adults. But I am going to wait for further confirmation, before I actually start recommending my formula for children.

I have a follow up study to read, also from England, that suggests that fish oil supplementation also curbs the violent behavior of many teenagers, and is currently being used in psychiatric therapy, with good results. - 17269

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