Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Learn to burn body fat. Take this advice to supercharge your body's fat burning capability.

By Mike Mardtelling

Eat more often but smaller meals. Eating smaller meals causes a lower insulin response. The smaller insulin response means the calories will be less likely to become body fat.

Quench your thirst on more purified H2O. Replacing other liquids you would normally consume with purified water is a perfect way to help push toxins out of your body that could be reducing some of your fat metabolizing.

Switch from eating processed supermarket boxed foods to more traditional high protein foods. The protein is normally digested at a slower pace than the processed carbohydrates in most boxed foods. It also tends to trigger less of an insulin response than those foods typically do.

Go out of your way. Stop taking elevators and escalators. Start parking near the rear of the parking lot when you go shopping. The little things really begin to add up. Burning an extra hundred plus calories per day could add up to one pound of extra fat in a month.

Keep a protein snack on hand for when you sense hunger coming on. It will be much easier staying on a fat burning diet if you make your ideal snack foods readily available. You dont want the mental pressure of having to make an impulsive decision about what to snack on. Plan ahead for consistent results.

Ban fast food restaurants from your diet completely. Even though some of them now offer much better food, it will be mentally challenging to resist the temptation to order the greasy stuff. Its probably best if you just avoid them all together. You should always have alternative snack plan.

If you have a choice of steamed or raw vegetables, choose the raw ones. There are numerous benefits to eating raw vegetables. These vegetables help with just about every major organ's function. They will certainly help keep your body repaired and ready to work efficiently.

Think about arranging your favorite healthy recipes into a book or series of books. Then, instead of dwelling on what to eat, you can simply look in the book that has a ton of healthy foods that you know you already like.

Tomorrow morning as soon as you get out of bed, make it a point to do some really basic stretching and breathing. It will help wake you up as well as get your blood flowing. Getting your blood moving as early as possible should assist in the fat burning process.

See if there are any little improvements you can make to your sleeping routine to get a better night's rest. Growth hormones are release while you are asleep. Researchers believe that more growth hormone is produced by people who sleep deeper.

If you work out regularly, try taking your routine up a notch. If you increasecrank up the intensity of your workouts, your fat burning results will rise accordingly. Focus more on the intensity rather than on the longevity of your workouts.

Take a couple minutes every morning to check yourself in the mirror. Imagine how much better you are going to look when you lose that extra fat. Imagine how much better you will feel. Keeping a positive attitude will help keep you motivated to reach your ultimate fat burning goals.

Spice up your free time activities by regaining a little of your youth. Think of fun things you could do to pass the time that require some level of physical activity. There are probably a number of things you did as a kid that you could still do today if you chose to. - 17269

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