Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Another Fad Diet Called The Subway Diet

By Ron George

Ask anyone about the Subway Diet and they'll tell you about Jared who dropped 245 pounds in a single year just by eating Subway. If you ever wanted to know how this whole thing got started, keep reading.

Jared Fogle worked his way through college by working at an adult book store. He sat for long hours in a class room, then went to work and sat long hours behind the counter at the video store while eating snacks, and as a result ended up weighing 425 pounds. Needless to say his weight and health situation had become dangerous to his health. Jared desperately needed to find a way to lose weight.

He tried various diets, but they didn't work because he still had all those hours behind a counter during which to cheat. But then he found a Subway shop near his dorm. The seed of the Subway diet was planted. Jared decided to skip breakfast every day, walk the mile and a half there and back to Subway for both lunch and dinner during which he consumed only a sandwich, a bag of baked chips and a diet soft drink. Now instead of a 10,000 calorie per day with no exercise lifestyle, he was eating only about 900 calories while walking 6 miles every day. For Jared the yet named Subway diet made 245 pounds disappear in the span of a single year.

How did this Subway diet become a national ad campaign for the Subway sandwiches chain? After losing the weight Jared ran into a friend who worked with the school paper. This buddy barely recognized Jared, so he decided to write an article about his amazing weight loss. Someone at Men's Health magazine read about Jared and decided to include his diet in a feature about crazy diets that work.

A subway franchisee in Chicago brought the story to the attention of his advertising people who talked to Jared to make certain it was legit. They took the ad idea to Subway's national ad agency who disliked the idea, so they created a local campaign for Chicago featuring the Subway diet.

Soon the Subway diet was a success. It was a natural for Chicago based Oprah to feature Jared and his Subway diet on her popular national show. Subway's national ad people contacted the Chicago ad people about airing the ad nationally.

Many people have had success with the Subway diet. However, be aware that Jared was an exception and not a rule for being able to lose that much weight in so short a time. A little more moderation is needed, but exercise and cutting calories are a proven one two punch combination in the fight against obesity. - 17269

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