Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, May 25, 2009

What are the Real Resveratrol Benefits?

By Frederick H. Forthin

No doubt you've heard claims like this before, haven't you? Whenever a new supplement or natural food source comes on the market, we're told that, finally, we've found the key to everlasting life and health.

Maybe you're like me? Have you totally swallowed other promises hook line and sinker and gone out and purchased massive amounts of supplements that promised to be the holy grail for your mind and body.

Some of them have no doubt been beneficial to you. I know that a fair number of supplements I take on a daily basis definitely help improve my life -- and probably even extend it. But for each of them that works, there's another one right behind it that doesn't.

Sound familiar to you? So when the news first broke about resveratrol and it's supposed fountain-of-youth qualities, I naturally got excited and wanted to rush out and buy resveratrol, but I also tried deliberately to tone down my enthusiasm. I guess you can say that this is just a kind of side effects of having seen all this before.

Don't forget that there is a difference between resveratrol and a host of other solutions that we've heard about before. Resveratrol actually has studies -- real studies, done in a real lab -- that back up the claims.

In fact, the research is so promising, and apparently so convincing, that even major U.S. the big pharmaceutical companies are starting to climb on this.

So is resveratrol the real deal? I'm no doctor (thank God), but I still believe the evidence and think it is.

But of course, as always, there is a caveat. Whenever anything gains a sudden popularity the way resveratrol has, you're going to find that a lot of unqualified manufacturers are going to jump on the bandwagon and start to try and supply this to a hungry public.

I think this means that you need to be cautious and really evaluate who you are getting your resveratrol from. I'm show you what I think is the very best way to find the highest quality resveratrol around at this Buy Resveratrol Supplements review page. Just click on the link to see what I mean.

And before I forget, I should also tell you that you can find out how to get your own supply of resveratrol for nothing. This is really awesome, so make sure you check out that link!)

First, just in case you didn't know about them, I wanted to go through some of the resveratrol benefits so that you can see why everyone is so excited.

Resveratrol can be as much as 50 times more powerful an antioxidant than even Vitamin C?

But what we're talking about here is only the beginning. And once they tested the stuff in the lab, they found out that they could make subjects seem to almost reverse in age, and had them performing better on tests to measure both mental and physical ability. But this isn't even the end of the story -- there's more.

More than any other reason, I think this is why people are so excited. So what we have here is a substance, that occurs in nature, and that would seem to reverse or at least slow down the aging process.

Now of course it's true that the long-term studies on resveratrol's effects don't exist yet. It could just be me, but it doesn't make much sense to wait for 20 years until I start getting sick to try and keep myself healthy.

I would think it would be smarter to start working on this today. So I am hoping that 20 years from now I will be able to look back and say that I made a pretty smart decision. - 17269

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