Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, June 19, 2009

Are There Homeopathic Solutions to My Easy Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you happen to be someone who suffers from easy bruising, you will probably find that you have an interest in exploring the homeopathic route for a cure. Homeopathy is essentially a type of alternative medicine that seeks to treat and cure disorders through using much diluted preparations that often mimic the problems that are manifesting. When you are dealing with bruising easily, you'll find that there are several different herbs that you can use to treat your bruising. These preparations can reduce the amount of time that your bruises stick around, and they can even help prevent you from getting bruised in the first place.

To begin with, let's discuss dosages. Generally, you can use the compounds that you formulate for bruising any way or time that you please, but it is likely better for you to maintain the strength of your dosage favoring the mild side. Educate yourself so that you learn as much as you can about homeopathic cures if this is your first time to try to use them, because this may make a great deal of difference for the results you get.

When you have to deal with easy bruising repeatedly, you will quickly learn that arnica is one of the herbs that you should look into. Arnica is known to give some people a much shorter recovery time frame when used as a cold compress applied directly to the bruised area. You may use it externally if the skin has not been broken, but you should never apply it to an open wound. Arnica has a long reputation as an excellent remedy for reducing the visible appearance of bruising.

Another herb that has been used to reduce bruising through homeopathy is bellis, and so too are the herbs ledum, hamamelis, and ruta. These could be used in possible treatments that you might want to experiment with if you are going to practice homeopathy yourself, or if you are going to use someone who is already practices homeopathy. You should not just disregard homeopathy because its a practice that is somewhat outside of the norm for general medicine. Understand the basis of homeopathy so that you can really determine whether these cures might be beneficial for you. Have you have ever worked with homeopathy before, and what kind of results did you obtain?

Finding a solution that will let you work with the bruises that you already have can be quite difficult. Everyone has a slightly different problem that is made unique by their own particular circumstances, so consider yours. What you eat, how old you are, and your level of activity can be something that really affects how much you bruise and how often. Homeopathy is something that could make a huge difference in your unique situation, so always review your possible solutions, whether you decide to use homeopathy, or vitamin supplements, or a combination of both approaches. - 17269

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