Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Preventing Hair Loss With The Right Nutrition

By Andrew W John

If you are losing your hair right now, don't panic. The most probable reason for that, especially if you're a male, is overabundance of dihydrotestosterone in the skin of your head. This chemical compound is created from testosterone - once this male hormone reaches the follicles, it attaches itself to it and changes into DHT. The bad thing is that DHT is hardly beneficial and is largely responsible for your hair loss. It tightens the muscles in your scalp, increasing the pression on the follicles and limits the blood circulation there, preventing hair from being nourished properly.

However, you may ask why some men don't lose their hair even though they surely have high level of testosterone in their blood. The answer is simple: because they have enough DHT blockers in their scalps to prevent it. How can one get enough DHT blockers? It's simple, too - all you need to do is to introduce them into your bloodstream through topical application and a proper diet.

Nutrients and Their Effectiveness Against Hair Loss

Probably the most powerful nutritional supplement that may prevent hair loss is zinc. While it can't be taken in large amounts (too much zinc prevent the absorption of iron and may cause anemia), its role in keeping your hair safe is hard to overrate. Its main role is relaxing skin and muscles on your scalp, directly countering the influence of DHT.

Another important supplement is Biotin, also known as the hair vitamin. The biotin speeds the metabolism of fatty acids, thus increasing the speed of follicle renewal and repair. This activity counters breaking hair due to lack of proper nutrition. There is no such thing as an ideal dose of biotin - the more you take it, the better. he only problem is that most of biotin-rich foods (liver, kidney, cooked eggs etc.) are also very fatty, so high intake of biotin may result in very high fat intake, which may soon start causing other health problems.

Another important nutrient which can help you heal your hair is proteins. They are the hair construction material, thus it is necessary to keep them strong and thick, making them less prone to damages done by DHT. Proteins are probably the most commonly used nutrient to prevent thinning of hair. On the downside, they are not dream solution to all your problems: proteins can't help you regrow your hair on bald patches.

Vitamin A is known under many different names, but regardless of which we use, one thing remains the same: this amino acid is one of the most important supplements for our hair. Vitamin A acts as an anti-oxidant promoting the secretion of sebum, which in turn binds testosterone before it can reach the follicles and become DHT. We can easily get a lot of Vitamin A through a balanced diet as it can be found in various foods, including yellow vegetables, fish oils and many kinds of meat. Just remember that you mustn't exceed the standard daily requirement - in large quantities Vitamin A is considered to be somewhat toxic. It can't generally be done through a diet, but a Vitamin A-rich diet plus taking a lot of artificial supplement may be enough to start some problems.

We mustn't forget about another important vitamin: Vitamin E. It maintains proper blood circulation in scalp, stopping all DHT attempts to reduce the amount of nutrients arriving to the follicles. There's no problem with taking enough Vitamin E, as it can be easily found in a number of foods, most notably leafy greens and soybeans, as well as in many vegetable oils. The real catch is that Vitamin E can be easily overdosed, increasing the pressure in the cardiovascular system.

The major problem is, of course, keeping the dosage. As many of those nutrients may prove to be dangerous is taken excessively, devising a healthy diet which would include every nutrient in the right amount is very difficult - especially that there are many other things you should take into consideration while preparing it. That's why it is usually much better to opt for a complete hair nutritional supplement, such as ProFollica system supplement. ProFollica contains everything which is necessary to keep your scalp and hair nourished, as well as several other ingredients that keep DHT at bay. If you're not sure about it, or if you want to learn more about it. - 17269

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