Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Vertical Workouts

By James R Puta

You only have so long in life to play the sport of your dreams. Why not give it your all early on to learn how to jump higher? If you learn to jump high from the beginning you will be a great player for years to come. So it's time to buckle down and learn to jump higher now.

Have you ever wondered how you jump higher? Well you need to have the perfect combo of strength and speed in the legs. Leg strength is important because you are going to be performing high intensity plyometrics which require you tendons and muscles to be strong enough to absorb the impact.

Okay so lets say you have ample strength, how do you get the speed? You need to train doing plyometrics, which are exercises designed with one thing in mind and that is to make your legs jump higher faster. How do they do this? They train the muscle fibers to fire at the same time.

So this explains why you see skinny guys without much muscle mass jumping really high. Their muscles are firing at the same time which produces much more power.

So what are some exercises that are included in a plyometric workout? Well, you will be using boxes a lot to jump onto or off of. You need to get use to jumping without resetting. This means that as soon as you land you jump again, allowing your feet to come in contact with the floor for the least amount of time as possible.

Doing squat jumps you will notice that your feet are in contact with the floor a lot longer than a second. This is okay and is an exception to the rule because you will be working on strength as well as speed.

For all you need to know about jumping higher check IncreaseVerticalWorkouts.com and you will find all you need to know about increasing your vertical jump. - 17269

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