Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, July 25, 2009

7 Pitfalls Of Extreme Caloric Restriction To Tone Arms

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

We would all like to tone arms, and we would all like to do it fast. In this day and age, we expect lightning quick results.

The sad truth is that many women have fallen under the false belief that extreme caloric restriction produces the fastest results. Perhaps you 're considering going on a very low calorie diet because you're fed up with having flabby arms. But before you do, consider the following 7 pitfalls of extreme caloric restriction to tone arms:

1. Malnutrition. Many women who eat an EXCESS of calories are malnourished because their food lacks nutrient density. Put yourself in a massive deficit of calories and your risk for malnourishment is even higher.

2. Brittle bones. Bone density is a very important thing for female health. As we age, our bone density can be compromised because of cyclical levels of estrogen output. And restricting calories too much to get rid of arm fat, can reduce bone density.

3. Metabolism dips. A decrease in metabolism is the main reason why women on ultra low calorie diets reach a point when they can no longer lose weight. The amount of muscle mass loss associated with crash dieting will make it extremely hard to get toned arms.

4. Suppressed hormones. If you really want to tone arms, you need hormones on your side. They are the most powerful substances for burning arm fat. Period. Unfortunately, massive caloric restriction and hormonal production do not mix well.

5. More sickness. Being sick is not fun. Being sick will set back your sexy arm mission by leaps and bounds. And to fight off sickness, your immune system needs a bare minimum amount of calories. My worst cases of flu and fever came when I was dieting too hard.

6. Decreased fertility. Ever hear how gymnasts regularly lose their period? That's because they eat so few calories to make their weight class. Tons of exercise with minimal caloric intake shuts down the female reproductive system.

7. Emotional roller coasters. The female body needs a steady and sufficient stream of calories in order to produce feel good substances. Without them, the risk of depression increases. Just hang around a fitness professional whenever they're going on a low-carb diet to see what I'm talking about.

In my opinion, extreme caloric restriction is not worth it. Even if you do lose a lot of arm fat, it's most likely to come back once you start eating normal again. This has happened to me multiple times in the past! A far better (and sustainable) approach to tone arms is to follow a balanced diet so that your body doesn't shut down. - 17269

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