Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Weight Loss Programs Are Making the World Fat

By Owen Scott

Have you ever attempted to lose weight before? If so, it's a safe bet that you wanted to look better or feel better. Am I right?

Weight Loss. Why is everyone so fascinated with weight loss? When are people going to realize that weight loss is NOT important. What??? Let me say it again -- Weight Loss is not important.

When you attempt to lose weight with most weight loss programs, you're going to be losing a combination of muscle mass, body fat, and water weight. Most programs cause you to lose tons of muscle mass, which is very bad. But people believe they were successful because they lost weight and they're really not.

Weight loss is not important. The number on the scale is NOT IMPORTANT...

Why do you care so much about that stupid number that shows up on the scale? Would you rather have a lower number on the scale or look great? That number on the scale may decrease but you're probably losing muscle mass. You DO NOT want to lose muscle mass. You want to lose body fat -- that's all.

Muscle mass is active tissue. What does that mean? It means muscle mass works for you each day. Muscle helps you move, helps you lift things, and helps you through your everyday life. Without muscle, you couldn't do anything. Body fat is dead weight. You do not need very high levels of body fat like most people in this country have. When you lose muscle mass, you are losing your biggest ally in your quest ot get a better body. You must eat less just to maintain body weight.

Weight loss diets cause you to get into a very bad habit which is eating less and less to lose more body weight. Bad idea! The body will begin to hold onto body fat because it believes it is being threatened. It then turns to muscle for energy. You begin to lose muscle because your body has nothing else to use for energy.

Trigger the starvation response and you lose!

You see... the human body is made for survival. Body fat is stored for energy use at a later time. It's there for us in time of need. We don't need so much extra body fat to survive in today's world. If you want to look better and feel better, it's time to get rid of body fat and build muscle. People that starve themselves simply lose body weight but it comes in the form of muscle mass and not body fat! That's the wrong way to lose weight.

When you trigger the starvation response and lose body weight in the form of muscle, all of that muscle mass will eventually be replaced with body fat. You start eating more later and weight comes back fast in the form of body fat. You end up looking and feeling even worse than before you started.

So, all of those weight loss diets out there are only hurting you. If they worked, wouldn't you see many more healthy, lean, and fit people walking around? Instead, the world gets fatter each and every day. And you can give all the credit to those weight loss programs that are supposed to be helping you.

So what are you supposed to do to lose body fat and get REAL results?

Instead of focusing on weight loss, you should be focusing on building muscle and burning body fat. Then, you'll get the body you want. Your body will look better and you'll feel better. No one cares about that stupid number on the scale. You don't carry a scale around and say, "Look what I weigh!" People look at your body -- not the number on the scale. So start building muscle and burning fat and STOP worrying about weight loss.

The solution to this weight loss dilemma that's overtaken the world? What is it? Weight training, healthy and nutritious diet, and cardiovascular exercise are the basics. Start doing that and you'll be on the right track. - 17269

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