Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How To Do A Liver Detox

By Kym Butterworth

Do you want to know effective methods for liver detoxification? Read on and you discover simple, easy to follow steps for liver detoxification.

The liver is the largest organ in the body carrying out many important functions. The functions include control of amino acid and glucose in blood as well as the detoxification of the blood stream. The liver is the only that carries out the function cleansing the body system and rendering toxic substances harmless. Sources of harmful substances in the body include, anti nutritional factors in foods, drugs and alcohol. High concentrations of toxic substances in the body impair liver function. The liver is designed in such a way that it has filters, which detoxifies the body. For the liver filters to function effectively, it must be clean and healthy.

Toxic substances in the liver can lead to liver diseases including, gall stones, jaundice and hepatitis. Symptoms of liver diseases are yellowing of skin and conjunctiva, loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, fatigue and itching. Liver detoxification can be achieved by following a daily healthy dieting pattern.

Like many other medical conditions, the first step is proper diagnosis. Here, the particular pathway of detoxification is identified. There are two basic pathways of detoxification, phase1 and phase2.

Haven identified the pathway of detoxification; the next step is to find out liver detox diets. Diets, which activate the phase 1 pathways, consist of protein foods like egg and fish and fresh foods like cabbage, orange, broccoli and. Tangerine. Fresh foods including, avocado, asparagus, and broccoli, orange, tangerine, and walnuts and fish oils activate the phase 2 pathways. Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in anti oxidants, vitamin C and glutathione, an amino acid. They help to remove free radicals from the body. Fresh fruits form part of most liver detox diets due to the presence of anti oxidants. Vitamin E and beta-carotene are other examples of anti oxidant vitamins.

In addition to the anti oxidant vitamins, calcium and vitamin B are other nutrients, which are also very useful in the elimination of toxic chemical substances from the body system.

Drink clean water. In the detoxification process, water is needed to flush the wastes from the body system. To avoid introducing more bacteria and harmful chemical substances to the body, bottled water is recommended. Drinking enough clean water provides the fluid needed for proper detoxification.

Use of herbs. Many herbs con substances, which are effective for liver detoxification. A good example of plants used for liver detoxification is milk thistle. Milk thistles contain chemical substances called flavonoids. Flavonoids prevent liver damage as well as carry out liver detoxification functions. The mechanism of action of flavonoids involves prevention of the depleting of glutathione and enhancing the level of glutathione in the body. It has also been used as remedy for liver diseases including, hepatitis liver cirrhosis.

Avoid foods that harm the liver. It is a waste of effort carrying out the liver detoxification process if efforts are not made to avoid eating habits that harm the liver. You must avoid the use of artificial flavorings or food additives. Alcohol and saturated animal fats should be avoided. Go for foods, which are produced organically.

In conclusion, a liver detox involves a daily pattern of diet, herbal remedies and a lifestyle adjustment that helps the liver to function effectively. - 17269

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