Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, July 17, 2009

How To Get A Six Pack Fast

By Jay Allen

One of the most common questions I get asked frequently is how to I get a set of six pack abs fast? Mistakenly, a lot of people believe the secret is to churn out hundreds, if not thousands, of crunches or sit ups. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The abs lie below a layer of fat tissue. It is getting rid of this layer of fat tissue that is the key.

Working out the abdominal muscles alone will not help you reach your goal. In order to lose this fat layer you have to either reduce your calorie intake or burn excess calories. Most abdominal workout programs do not increase the bodies metabolic rate and, therefore, do not help with fat loss. There are many more effective approaches to getting rid of this fat layer then crunches or sit ups.

The most effective types of exercises are those ones that stress the whole body and increase the metabolism. The ones that I have found to work well are:

Various forms of squats, deadlifts, presses, pulls, clean and presses, lunges, snatches, sprinting etc.

Most of these exercises use the quadriceps muscle, the big muscle at the top of the thigh. Due to the size of this muscle, any exercise that involves them burns up a lot of calories. These are exercises that I would advise not performing every day as they put a large amount of stress on the body and would probably cause fatigue. I would incorporate them into an overall exercise plan.

An additional benefit of these exercises is that they also stimulate the production of growth hormone in the body which would also assist in overall muscle growth, including the abs.

It is important to note, however, that you should not neglect exercising the abdominal muscles. Exercising them, stimulates them to grow and so will further benefit from the boost in growth hormone production. Like the large muscles it is advisable to incorporate these abs exercises into an overall program.

Also, remember that nutrition is probably the most important factor when losing abdominal fat. Eating junk will just counteract any work you put in on a great workout regime.

So, the answer to the question on how to get six pack fast, the answer involves mainly concentrating on exercises that work the large muscle groups along with adequate nutrition to help with fat loss. This combined with some focused abdominal exercises will soon see you to your goal. - 17269

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