Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, July 10, 2009

Is the 6 Week Body Makeover a Scam?

By Rico Kidd

The 6 Week Body Makeover is not a diet, it's a program that re-teaches you how to eat so that you lose weight and stay thin for the rest of your life. Many people are too quick when judging a program and will shout out "scam!" if they do not lose weight (or lose weight at slower rate than what the plan states).

Just one un-happy consumer that cries "scam!" can deter thousands from buying a product. Negative reviews of a product are very powerful and can cause people to not buy the product, even if the product does in fact work. Most people are triggered to look for all the bad reviews and complaints about a product and ignore all the positive aspects. If you dig deep enough within any program, you will always have someone that finds something wrong.

I would like to give a fair review of the of the body makeover program as I am currently on this eating plan and have enough knowledge to give an un-biased review. I can say that my review is un-biased because I'm not trying to sell you anything. You will not see any affiliate links to a product within this article (this diet does not have an affiliate program). There is absolutely no benefit for me, except to share a rebuttal towards all of the negative complaints towards this program.

When one un-happy person writes that this product is a scam, it turns-off thousand customers from trying this product and potentially losing a lot of weight. Negative reviews are powerful ways to dissuade people from buying or trying any products or services. I've realized that in our society people are always going to find something to complain about, no matter how perfect or good a product or service is.

I have read a lot of complaints and the majority of them state that they in fact lost weight on the program. I am confused why they would complain when the program did its intended purpose. One of the major complaints was that the diet was too restrictive and that people left the diet because it was "too much, too fast". Yes, the diet is restrictive in the fact that you aren't allowed to eat sweets and junk-food. This program is intended for people who are willing and wanting to lose weight. You should try another diet if you want to diet slowly and lose a little weight over a long period of time.

The overall program is intended for you to lose weight by confusing your metabolism into thinking that food is abundant, therefore it should burn calories faster. The way to do this is by filling out the body blue print questionnaire, determining your body type and planning your meals according to your body's needs.

The most important question is: how bad do you want to lose weight? Losing weight is not fun and you will feel un-happy when you see your friends eating hamburgers and you are eating chicken. The great part is, they are getting fat and you are losing weight. You will feel amazing when you drop your first 10 pounds. After your first 10 pounds your metabolism has already been trained to burn fat at a rapid rate. Think of the long-term benefit of eating healthy and the day when you can put on that bikini or take off your shirt without feeling embarrassed. Remember, the 6 Week Body Makeover is not about fast results (although people have reported rapid weight loss), it's about learning how to eat healthy so that you can stay thin for the rest of your life. - 17269

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