Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, July 27, 2009

Learn About The Benefits Of Super Foods Including Acai Berries

By Jane L Bennett

It has long been well-known that fruits and vegetables are part of a healthful food intake but comparisons among foods have found a few foods that are so wholesome and useful that they are considered to be "super foods" or "super fruits".

A super food can be defined as a food that offers superior nutritional usefulness for the amount of calories it contains. These stellar fruits and vegetables consist of spinach, broccoli, pumpkin, tomatoes and more. Most of the berries, particularly blueberries, cranberries and the acai berry from Brazil are considered to be super fruits.

These wholesome and nutritious fruits contain some of the highest ORAC values on earth. ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity and it is a measurement of the antioxidants contained within the fruit's ability to counteract oxygen free radicals in a test tube.

Antioxidants are distinctive elements found in food that counteract free radicals within our bodies. Free radicals are volatile molecules that are deficient an electron. They are created in our bodies by processes that require oxygen, which is just about everything. If you are breathing and you are alive you are creating free radicals in each moment of your life.

The destruction caused from free radicals shows up bit by bit. Diseases normally manifest over the course of years and they do not happen overnight. The same thing happens with gray hair, wrinkles and sagging skin. The harm happens little by little but it all adds up.

However, nature provides a way for the free radicals to be neutralized. Antioxidants are compounds found in foods that come in and offer the missing electron to the unstable molecule, thereby neutralizing the free radical and preventing some of the impairment.

But, nature provides a instinctive and natural way to counteract the impairment that free radicals initiate in our bodies. Antioxidants from healthful foods come in and supply the missing electron to the free radical. It in that way neutralizes the molecule and helps to foil additional harm.

In order to have the maximum outcome, antioxidant high foods need be consumed every day as part of an overall good for you and nutritious diet. Continuous investigation into the advantages of antioxidants are confirming how tremendously valuable they are. So be intelligent and have your blueberries, take your acai berry supplement and be strong to the finish and eat up your spinach. - 17269

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