Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Serious Health Risks of Obesity

By Patsie Adams

Obesity comes with serious health risks. Aside from dealing with things like finding clothes that fit or fitting into an airplane seat or just being unhappy with the way you look, being obese puts your life at risk. Obesity puts you at a higher risk of diseases that can kill - like heart attack and stroke.

A person that weighs 40 to 75 pounds above their ideal is considered obese. 100 pounds overweight puts you in the category of morbidly obese. The health risks apply to both categories.

When youre obese, your body is hauling more weight than it was designed to carry. This puts extra pressure on bones, muscles and joints. Imagine the difference between carrying a sack with 50 pounds of weight on your back compared to a sack with 5 pounds of weight. Now think about the burden that 50-pounder puts on your frame.

The joints are what carries the brunt of all this extra weight. And these happen to be the most delicate parts of our frames. Hips and ankles are at risk, but most especially the knees. The knee joints have to support majority of our body weight.

Joints are actually the body's weakest spots since separate bone pieces come together with them. Obese people commonly have trouble with their knees as this very complex joint faces wear and tear with every single step we take.

When someone is obese, theres much more pressure on the knees than normal. So each step puts twice, triple, sometimes four times the normal pressure on those joints. This causes the joints to wear out prematurely and is the reason heavy people often develop pain and abnormal knee conditions.

While hips joints and ankles are also at risk, its the knees that generally carry the brunt of the weight and absorb pressure, so this is where the injuries often appear first.

Aside from the extra weight on the frame and joints, all that extra weight puts pressure on the bodys systems too. First of all, large amounts of body fat dont just show up on the outside. Fat tissue can form internally around organs.

Internal organs are also affected by obesity. Big masses of body fat can actually crowd internal organs and put undue pressure against them. This has effects on how our organs will run and can therefore affect body functions.

All the extra poundage makes it harder for organs to operate and makes the body work harder. This is why obesity often leads to high blood pressure and a strained heart. Heart disease, heart attacks and strokes could develop.

Also, the extra weight generally means that the persons diet is poor and too high in calories. This is a major cause of diabetes, which can damage blood vessels, eyes and nerves.

Some have even lost their eyesight or a foot or other appendage due to diabetes and poor circulation. Definitely something to think about!

There is hope for the obese. But you must get started right away with a weight loss plan involving both diet and exercise.

If you are obese there is hope. But you need to get cracking on eating right ant getting started on an exercise program. A lot of people have done this successfully. So can you! - 17269

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