Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Want To Find Out More About The Benefits Of Pure Omega3 Oil?

By Terry Johnston

The health-conscious person out there is quickly becoming aware that Pure Omega 3-a natural oil product extracted from fish-is one of the most beneficial natural products in the world today.

Eating omega 3 oil rich fish will have a positive impact on disease. The health benefit is so great it is almost to good to be true. The folks eating the omega 3 oil just seem healthier than those who don't

The praise for Pure Omega3 goes on and on. In the long run there are solid reasons for adding this to your diet, which will benefit you tremendously.

*Prevents the risk of future cardiovascular problems

*Your skin displays a healthy sheen

*And keeps your eyes healthy

* Helps you immunity system maintain a powerful defense

* Omega 3 is being used to treat clinical depression

We come to the crucial point, what is Pure omega3?

It is a fatty acid, derived from natural sources, which is needed by and assimilated easily by the body. It works on functions of your body to keep you healthy. Ensuring all your physiological functions are running at an optimal pace.

To increase your daily dose of pure omega3, you need to either being eating a large quantity of cold water fish or be taking a daily supplement.

Wait a minute! Eating increased amounts of fish is NOT recommended, because of Mercury pollution that builds up in fish.

All vestiges of chemical or toxins are removed from the pure omega3 oil, using state of the art methods that guarantee 100% purity.

Cheaper extraction methods used by some supplement producers--hoping to cash in on the fish oil supplement craze are producing a lot more available supplements--which are NOT 100% pure!

Hoping to compete strictly on price, these companies don't care if the products is 100% refined or not. They will advertise 100% Pure omega3 oil, believing you won't bother to read the label. If you do. You will know whether the supplement you are buying is genuine or not.

Fit, strong, and healthy is how the Japanese were after centuries of eating fresh fish, seafood, rice and working hard. Their diet provided them with an abundance of pure omega3, which is an excellent example of the importance of pure omega3.

During the American occupation of Japan, following world war 2. The Japanese-seduced by the western lifestyle--changed their diet to fast foods and they got away from their traditional diet.

The reduced intake of pure Omega 3 was apparent within a few years. The Japanese population began to suffer more frequent colds, fatigue, depression. Their physical endurance and powers of concentration declined. Constipation and joint pain increased.

Everyone needs pure Omega 3. Whether from fish, or nuts (walnuts, almonds, and pecans), or supplements, at least two to three times per week, so that the body has the required amount.

The most complete form is found in purified fish oil. The easiest way to make sure your are getting enough omega 3 is by taking supplements in the form of pills or capsules.

Adding pure omega3 to your diet will over time provide you with a distinct improvement in your cardiovascular health, your skin, -- especially if you are suffering from psoriasis or eczema -- and making your joints more supple and less painful.

Here are some points to note before you buy the supplements:

high quality supplements do NOT taste or smell fishy.

will there be a "secondary" fishy taste after taking the supplements? NO!

take daily or in the dosage suggested to you by your Health care professional. - 17269

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