Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Why Do Some People Say Detox Diets Are Dangerous

By Ron Cripps

A number of individuals who have tried the detox diet plan talked of huge changes in their body in just a couple days. Yet, in spite of its enormous popularity, some nutrition professionals have stated the detox diet must be circumvented, if it can be.

Critics believe that detox treatment is a rather extreme diet which may end in detrimental side effects, if not properly performed. Experts have said that the mechanics of the detox diet wasn't founded upon scientific research, and at the most part, it's called 'junk science'. Dietitians think that this diet provides a short change in an individual's weight, although those changes won't last for too long. Sooner or later, those who have attempted the detox diet would finally return to their normal way of eating, and their body weight will return back to original.

The detox diet plan is thought to be the solution to the fact that our human body must be protected from toxins which may be harmful to our well being, although that statement is contradicted by some nutritionist and medical practitioners. Most of them think that the human body is presently gifted with integrated systems that may protect itself from harmful toxins ? these are the body's liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tracts. These experts state that so long as those organs work well, there is really no need for a detox diet.

One thing that some opposing nutritionists can agree upon as far as elements of the detox diet is the idea that an individual should consume enough liquids and fruits and vegetables. Since a lot of people seem to have forgotten the critical nature of water and vegetables, this detox diet might be a method to bring them back to the essentials. Nonetheless, they continue to be against the procedure since this particular diet is so limiting that it will be unfathomable for long periods of times - and in addition, the experts say that those results are just temporary.

The effects of the diet may be seen even after a few days into the therapy - however the body will soon gain that weight with just the same short period of time. The short period of those results of this constrictive diet regimen, as many experts believe, may not be worth all the hardships. Some people that have tried this diet said the initial days of the trial were hard.

Individuals that stand against this diet contend that a healthy young woman or man might withstand the intense routine for quite some time, however, not everyone might be in the condition to do this. Some people might experience unfavorable effects, in particular: younger kids, weakened teenagers, pregnant or breastfeeding mothers, the elders and individuals that have heart ailments along with different chronic conditions. Their conditions make them open to intestinal and cardiac problems might may be the result of that sort of regime.

In summary, most dietitians and health care professionals think that going through a detox diet is a tough decision that a person needs to think about before really making it. No individual should really chance putting his health into risk just to get rid of weight quickly. Extraordinary diets, such as the detox diet, must be a final option because there's different sounder alternatives to choose from. - 17269

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