Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

13 Cool Facts About Water That You Should Know

By Harvey Kent

Water is the most important element of life. Our bodies are 77% liquid out of which 70% is water. Water is the giver of life. Without it, life as we know it would not exist. So the water we drink and it's quality has a very important impact on our health. Here are 12 cool facts about water:

1) Specialist have all agreed that the best drinking water is the one with a balanced mineral content. A good mineral spring water, sparkling or not, from a trustworthy source is the best choice you can make.

2) Bottled teas, sodas and alcoholic drinks are both unhealthy and inefficient in quenching your thirst. They contain all sorts of bad chemicals, preservatives and tones of sugars. Plus they tend to have a diuretic effect and so they achieve the undesired effect of dehydrating your body and making you thirsty.

3) Water filters should be chosen based upon the type of water you have at home. A simple chemical analysis can help you spot undesired issues so that you can buy the best filter to fit your needs. Also their maintenance is just as important, so regular filter changes are a must.

4) Ice can be harmful to people who suffer from cardiovascular illnesses. The difference in temperature can produce a sudden shock in their organism.

5) People who drink water or other liquids while eating often forget to chew properly. This can be very harmful on the long run so always remember to take your time to chew every bite.

6) Never drink hot tap water. It is very corrosive and often contains harmful agents. Cold tap water that has been boiled is far better for your body.

7) On average 3 liters of water is wasted by every human by just brushing his teeth once. If you brush 3 times a day that's almost 10 liters of wasted water per day. You can avoid this problem simply by closing the tap when brushing and by using a cup for rinsing.

8) The carrot is 90% water. The watermelon, as his name implies, is about 95% water. Other water rich fruits are apples, citrus fruits, grapes and pares.

9) On average a human consumes 60 000 liter of water during his entire life.

10) Although mineral water, as the name implies, contains minerals they are, for the most part, inorganic minerals. Don't confuse them with organic mineral such as those found in whole wheat products. These inorganic minerals can be harmful and can cause serious problems such as arthritis and kidney stones.

11) Humans can only drink fresh water. Only 3% of all the Earth's water is fresh and 3/4 of that is made up of glaciers. The rest of 97% is located in the earth's oceans.

12) On average a human uses about 270 liters of water per day. Most of it is wasted showering water, about 140 liters. On the other hand, the sailors on submarines are instructed to take short shower so as to not waste water. They usually use only 6 liters.

13) Water, no matter how clean it may seem, contains impurities such as minerals for example. The only pure H2O is distilled water. - 17269

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