Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Why Should You Protect Your Health?

By Vincent Roumou

If there is any one factor that can determine your future more than any other, it is your health. When health fails, we loose power and influence.

A healthy person can find new jobs and new opportunities. A sick person is limited in what he can do. If you missed too many days from work last year, some companies move your resume rapidly, right into the dumpster. If you have a job and begin to call in sick on a regular basis, even with a valid excuse, companies may decide that you will need to be the first to go during downsizing.

Here are some tips that may help you to keep your health.

Eat correctly. Every person needs a healthy diet. Choose a diet that is balanced in nutrients. Carbohydrates provide quick energy for the body. Protein supplies the building materials needed to heal tissue. Fruits and vegetables provide necessary minerals and vitamins for a healthy body.

Get some exercise. Even if you have to begin an exercise program while sitting in a chair, you need to move your body. Exercise adds tone to those muscles and helps you to feel better. It is vital to overcoming depression. Progress may be slow at first, but if you continue your exercise routine, you will develop a healthier body.

Spend time with friends. Everyone needs some time with other people. If we are only involved with ourselves, and spend all our time at the computer or watching television, we are not going to take care of ourselves. A friend can help us to see hope in the most desperate situations. Hope can lead us to have better health.

While health is not all that is needed to get ahead in life, a lack of health can cause great setbacks. - 17269

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