Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, August 7, 2009

Best Choice In A Mineral Supplement.

By Neil Butterfield

You know that you need the right amount of minerals and vitamins to stay healthy. In todays world, this is usually achieved with supplements. However all supplements are not created equal and you could be missing out on nutrients that you think you're getting. How do you know which supplement to buy? We'll cover that here.

Before we go any further its important for you to realize just how important the type of mineral supplement you take is to your overall health. For example, too often a person buys and takes a chelated vitamin and mineral supplement that by everything that is written on the packaging should be adequate to ensure dietary needs. The problem most people dont realize that with a compound, or even chelated vitamin or mineral supplement you will not receive more than 25% of the value and most times its much less.

However, a with liquid ionic multi mineral/vitamin supplement, you are absorbing almost 100%, so you are actually getting what it says on the label. The difference is because a liquid ionic supplement is water based, and that's very easy for your body to absorb.

Few would argue that having the right daily servings of fruits and vegetables is a good way to get the necessary vitamins and minerals and that this option is far better than taking a vitamin or mineral supplement.

You see, modern foods don't contain the nutrients it once did, (like it did in our grandparents? time.) So even if you eat correctly, you could still be lacking some minerals.

Vitamins and minerals are referred to as micronutrients. Your body isnt able to make micronutrients and so you must either get them from the food you eat or from supplements. Taking a mineral supplement is a good way to compliment your diet and ensure you are actually getting the necessary nutrients.

Whole foods are more complex and higher in fiber than processed food and are the best way to get micronutrients. They can also strengthen your immune system to protect you from disease and other illness.

Do you need a mineral supplement? If you eat a perfect diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and fish, every day, you might not need one. But I don't know anyone who eats like that, do you? So for the rest of us, a mineral supplement becomes necessary..

If you have any one following conditions, you definitely need a liquid ionic mineral supplement.

*You only eat 1500 calories a day *Are on a restricted diet due to food allergies *You have had any kind of operation on your digestive tract *You eat a lot of processed foods and few whole ones *If you don't eat meat *If you bleed heavily or have bad PMS when it's that time *If pregnant, planning on becoming pregnant or breast feeding *Starting or already in menopause *You take any kind of medication long term *You get a lot of diarrhea

Before purchasing a vitamin or mineral supplement you need to read the label and make sure that you know what you are getting. You also want to know how much you should take and how often. Remember that a liquid mineral supplement is going to allow you to absorb a much higher amount of the minerals and therefore they will be much more helpful to the body. Minerals are food to the body so taking a quality mineral supplement just makes good health sense - 17269

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