Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Make Your Weight Training Routines Count

By Emmanuel Palmer

I know you've heard it before and have said it once or twice with tears in your eyes, 'No Pain, No Gain'. It is the courageous cry of those yet to see the peaks of Mt. Body Beautiful. It is true that you will experience pain, at times almost rendering you immovable from your bed; however, pay close attention that it is pain caused only by muscle soreness. In your zeal to put checks in your list on how to build muscles, be mindful of some factors listed below to help keep your body free from injury and unnecessary pain.

It is understandable that beginners especially would like nothing more than to spend many hours in the gym working up a good sweat expecting to see faster results. The fact is, over training is probably one of the first things you need to take care to avoid. Your immune system suffers and the tendency to injure oneself is greater in over training. Moreover, you will get burnt out quicker. Take a few days or even a week off periodically to give your body the rest it needs.

For those aiming to gain a significant amount of body mass to get that bodybuilder's physique, many 'How to Build Muscles' guide will discourage you from practicing cardiovascular workouts. You will need to gain more weight than lose them in burning, but do not take away aerobic exercises from your weight training routines. Cardiovascular training helps in your arteries' elasticity and improves your cholesterol levels. Build your muscles and your heart's health as well.

Take extra precautions in your stay in the gym. When you finish using a machine, ensure that the weight plates, pulleys and cables are locked or safely tucked away. Also bring the dumbbells you've used back to their appropriate racks. Watch your head when you pass by certain equipments, especially those with extended bars attached to them. Wear suitable attire and footwear; and give the other trainers space when they are performing their exercise programs.

Always keep the correct position and form as you execute your drills. A lot of people make the mistake of rushing through the last few reps just so they can complete the given set but doing so may potentially put your body in an injury with serious consequences. Study and know the right way of performing the assigned exercises, starting with the lesser weight and gradually increasing it. If a joint or tendon feels particularly over extended, do not force the movement. Stop and ask your instructor on the best way of doing the task.

Finally, eat right. If you have the right diet not only will your energy up to par for your workouts, your muscle development will benefit from it as well. Whether you are planning to trim down or bulk up, get your calories from protein and carbohydrate rich food. Meals should ideally have fish, chicken, whole wheat grains, etc. Drink plenty of fluids particularly in days that you workout.

Pay attention to the seemingly insignificant details and watch yourself overtake your hardcore fitness colleague even in his best weight training routines. The secret-rest, eat and exercise well, it does not get any better that that. - 17269

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