Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Best Diets Revealed

By Aaron McLain

Eni-meni-mini-mo, where did all the best diets go? This may sound ridiculous, but the truth of the matter is, that is exactly what you will be faced with when searching for a diet thats right for you. With so many to choose from, how are you suppose to find the best?

Stop torturing yourself and instead learn how to discover the best diets that work with your body to increase health while burning fat. So how do you do it? The only way to discover the best diet for you is to first educate yourself on a few important principles that all diets should have. In this article Im going to shed some light on the subject which I hope will empower you to find a diet that doesnt torture your body and mind.

When you finally open your eyes and see that there are two types of diets you will be able to discover a diet thats got your best interests at heart. There are diets that promote unhealthy weight loss and there are diets that promote health with weight loss as a natural by product.

Unhealthy diets focus on abnormal ways to alter your bodies chemistry to produce weight loss. They preach starving the body of vital nutrients which usually leads to gaining all the weight back and leaving the body worse off than it was before.

Now that you have an understanding of what the best diets dont look like, lets take a look at what they do. First, the best diets will be built on a foundation of healthy principles. They will say things like eating smaller meals more frequently. Smaller meals help spread your calorie intake evenly and more meals help keep your metabolism up.

Next, a diet that will help instead of make worse will preach control. Control is the mental game that you need to master to develop good exercise and eating habits. Chances are that you got into this mess due to lack of control with what and how much you eat of the wrong things. A great diet will show you how to take back control first so you have a more of a chance of reaching your weight loss goals.

Finally, the best diets preach balance. Not balance like standing on your tippy toes and bending like a pretzel, but balance as in a balance combination of water, protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Each of these is vitally important for the body to function at its best and play important rolls in the breaking down of body fat.

It basically all sums up to just a few things. The rest becomes the diets method to help you get in control of your bad habits. These things are gentle weight loss, quality over starvation, healthy rule set, and an emphasis on balancing essential nutrients. Combine this with regular exercise and you have a winning formula. And as always, before taking anyones advice talk with your doctor first. - 17269

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