Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, August 28, 2009

Bodybuilding Tips, How To Achieve Six Pack Abs

By Ricardo d Argence

No matter how long you work to strengthen your abs, they will never be seen if fat is over them. Unfortunately, the stomach area is where we not only store the most fat but also where it is most difficult to lose fat from.

There is no magic when it comes to getting ripped abs. You have to bring your body fat ratio down to 10% if you want to get the best results, and this can be a difficult task if you aren't sure of what you're doing.

The proper way to get a six pack lies in following some simple guidelines which allow you to effectively burn the excess fat around your stomach area. This helps you reveal your hidden abdominal muscles and allows your six pack to be visible.

The only way to get ripped six pack abs and to effectively lose the extra fat around your stomach is to maintain a healthy diet, over 90% of your results will begin to show from what you eat. Tight restrictions never work to remove body fat, so you need to maximize your metabolism, so you can eat and burn fat. That means eating smaller meals more often. The consistent digestion of these foods will actually stimulate your metabolism to increase.

It is possible to become addicted to processed foods. Unfortunately, the chemicals they contain actually slow down the fat-losing process. Eat real food and you'll see a real difference.

The health benefits of drinking plenty of water is amazing, it helps your body breakdown fat and helps to get it out of your system. To assist with digestion, nutrient absorption and the flushing of unwanted toxins from the body, one should drink 8 glasses each day.

High intensity cyclic training has many benefits over normal endurance style cardio workouts and it is much more effective in building muscle and losing weight. It increases your overall metabolic rate and helps you burn fat even when your workout is over. You should perform 20 minutes of high intensity interval training around 4-5 times a week.

Therefore the secret to obtaining ripped six pack abs fast, lies in following a system that has a good combination of Cardio Workouts, Weight Training, and dieting to lose fat, then you could see a six pack in very fast time.

Believe me, when you are able to take your shirt off and see that amazing ripped six pack you will know it was well worth the effort. - 17269

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