Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, August 27, 2009

5 Great Tips for Losing Weight After Baby

By Patsie Adams

You 9-pound baby is out but you still look 9 months pregnant? What do you do? This article will explain sure-fire ways to get you back in shape post-pregnancy. Yes, you can get your body back post-baby!

Before anything else, be realistic. Carrying a child for 9 months will really impact you body. It will take some time and patience to get back into those old jeans. When it comes to losing weight post-pregnancy, best to do it slowly but surely.

Remember, your body is still recovering. Right after giving birth is not the time for diet pills or quick weight loss programs. Neither is it the time to shock your system by jumping back into strenuous exercise. These are important to consider for you and your babys sake.

Still, there are steps you can take to lose weight post-pregnancy. Here are our 5 sure ways to get back in shape post-pregnancy:

1. Breast feed. Not only does it help shrink your uterus and tummy back into shape, breast feeding alone burns up to about 500 calories a day. Breast feeding is not just about providing the most perfect food for your little one, it is also one of the best ways for you to burn calories. To make breast milk requires burning your fat stores!

2. Eat well. Avoid the usual high fat, high sugar and high sodium foods. These foods are not only high calorie - they are low in nutrition. Opt to eat plenty of fruits, whole grains, fiber rich food and a good amount of lean protein to keep you strong and healthy enough to care for your baby - not to mention trim down those extra inches.

3. Drink plenty of water. It is especially important to keep hydrated if you are breast feeding. The fluids will also keep your system clean by helping your body excrete toxins. Regular bathroom trips mean a slimmer mid-section as well very useful for post-pregnancy weight loss!

4. Get back into exercise... slowly. When you take time-off baby duty, make sure there's physical activity included. Mommy-time should involve some light to moderate exercise. You can take daily walks that build up to jogs, then runs. You can also take a dance class or a cadio class at the gym. Just be sure to check with your doctor first before starting an exercise program, especially after giving birth.

5. Bond with your baby. Just choosing bonding activities that involve some action can help you burn calories - and lose some of that stubborn baby weight. Taking the bay to walks in the park burns calories. So do some mommy-and-baby yoga classes. Bond and burn!

Post-pregnancy weight loss is totally doable. Having the baby is no excuse for you to keep those extra pounds on. Many have lost weight after giving birth. You can too!

Breast feed, eat healthy and exercise. Eventually the weight will fall off, but it is not going fall off on its own. You still have some work to do. Now get started! - 17269

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