Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Electric Ice Cream Makers 8 Simple Reasons We Should All Be Making Our Own Ice Cream

By Mia Kane

I get asked a lot of questions about making my own ice cream. Besides the fact that I love it and enjoy it, I have found over the years that there are many more reasons that I stopped buying and started making ice cream. Here they are. I hope I can help turn you into an ice cream maker.

1. As a family, we eat ice cream regularly. Not just in the warm summer months, but throughout the year. It's not cheap to buy, as you will know. But when you add it up over a month or a year, well I was surprised at how much I was paying out, too much. When I make my own, I keep cost in mind, I can make it cheaper, with no loss of quality or taste.

2. It was when I had my family that I first started to think about the planet and being green, for them and their kids. So whilst I am no paragon of virtue on that front, I try little things. With my home made ice cream, I am not paying for ice cream to have needlessly travelled around the country to my table, and I am not paying for those fancy useless packaging tubs and cartons. So I guess it does help me feel a little better.

3. By making my own, I get to know and decide what goes into it. No preservatives or additives. The kids get less high and I'm not worried that I am filling them up on crap.

4. These days I seem to know a few people with allergies etc, I can easily make ice cream to accommodate them, I just leave out what they are allergic to.

5. I bring my ice cream over to friends, or families houses for dinner. It beats spending a fortune on flowers. I bring along the dessert which we can all enjoy together.

6. I get the kids involved too. They love it and sometimes bring their friends over especially to make ice cream. It's great on a rainy day when they are hanging around the house looking for trouble.

7. I also use ice cream as a way of getting the kids to eat some things they normally would not. Like I maybe put a spoonful of oats on the top (so they can't separate them out), or I sprinkle nuts into it. They eat fruit better like that too.

8. I try most of the time to make it lower fat than you buy. I use half and half or light cream instead. Great for the kids, but helps me and my diet out too.

There it is. My ice cream tastes great. Looks wonderful and costs less. I hope you start making yours too. It really is so much more rewarding than buying it. - 17269

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