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Monday, August 24, 2009

The Factors Why You May Not Be Getting Taller

By Rodney Williams

People of shorter stature know that our society has a preference towards taller people. It is an unfair disadvantage which often leads to children being teased by their peers. This can hinder their success when they become adults. There are very fundamental reasons why some people do not gain height. To overcome these limitations, it is important that you understand them completely.

While your genetics have the most control over how tall you will be, some people have additional circumstances that prevent them from growing taller. These circumstances occur during childhood, when your body grows most. Every person is unique and only your doctor, or your child's pediatrician, can tell you the exact cause for your shorter stature. However, there are basically four reasons for limited growth, familial, constitutional growth delay, growth failure, and idiopathic short stature.

Growth is most commonly limited for Familial reasons. Familial height is totally dependent on your genetic makeup. Normally, you will not be much taller than your parents.

However, nutrition and medicine have advanced. Now there are ways for you to increase your height despite your Familial history. This includes eating the right diet, getting plenty of exercise, and sleep. Although there are some who would take artificial Human Growth Hormone, or HGH, this is not recommended in these cases. The best thing you can do for your body is to increase height naturally.

Constitutional Growth Delay means that your body does not grow when it is expected to, but catches up much later. Typically, a child will grow much less than the average child when they are young. The child will remain shorter than his or her peers until the onset of puberty. When the child reaches puberty, growth accelerates and the child will reach the genetically disposed height. This condition typically runs in families and is most common in children.

Growth Failure is a symptom of a greater health problem. Typically, there are three problems that lead to this type of stunted growth. When your have a systemic disorder, this means that one of your body's systems, like the nervous or cardiovascular systems, are not working correctly. When your endocrine system is preventing growth it means that your organs are failing to make or utilize the hormones and enzymes you need to gain height. When a fetus is harmed or developed incorrectly in the womb, a Congenital growth limitation may occur. There are certain conditions that are untreatable. Only your doctor can tell you how to overcome this type of short stature.

Idiopathic Short Stature may be the most frustrating reason. You may have no symptoms and no health issues. In fact, your body might be in good health. However, you do not gain height. Fortunately, this is not a very common condition. Also, artificial HGH has not been proven to have an impact on this type of limitation.

Once again, only a doctor can tell you exactly why you, or your child, are not growing taller. While administering HGH might be discussed, it will be better if you try to naturally grow by eating right, working out, and sleeping. Also, do not smoke because second hand smoke may stunts growth. However, once you know the fundamental reason for your shorter stature, you can work to improve your situation. - 17269

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