Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How To Look Taller And More Confident

By Shaun Davids

Are you tired of feeling small and want to know how to look taller? You would be surprised how much a wardrobe alteration and a change of attitude can do! These aren't the only ways to make your body taller-by keeping a healthy diet and good posture, you can even prevent many bone damaging ailments that often occur as you age, including shrinkage.

First, let's focus on your clothing. Many may dress to accentuate their figure or their muscles, but did you know you can dress to make your body look taller? You can do this by choosing business suits that are all one color, preferably darker hues, such as navy blue or black. Pinstripes are also useful as an instant height enhancer.

If you clothes than contrast a lot - such as black pants with a light blue shirt, you will look shorter. It creates a visible line that breaks you body up and makes you lose height - especially if your pants are above your waist. Also, for how to look taller, steer clear of patterns with plaid or polka dots in them. And wear clothes that fits you perfectly, and gives the illusion of you having a longer torso and limbs.

To become taller, also try wear the right shoes. Height increasing insoles and high heels work well at making you look taller. Also, wearing bigger shoes, such as boots or tennis shoes help your feet appear bigger.

Believe it or not, your hair helps you how to look taller. By wearing your hair long, you blur the space between your ears and shoulders, which makes your neck look shorter.

How you stand and sit is also very important. Maintaining a posture where you back is straight and your shoulders back not only helps you look taller, but it also strengthens your back, bones and core muscles.

And lastly your attitude can have a profound effect. This is harder than it sounds, but if you can be confident and be cheerful around people, they will respond positively to you.

In contrast, if you are miserable, uncertain, and negative, those you interact with will notice this as well, and it will affect your appearance of how to look taller. - 17269

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