Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Pet Bird's Health

By Emmanuel J. Hood

Many people don't understand their birds as well as they do cats and dogs, and that can lead to real problems. From respiratory infections to excessive molting, there are a lot of health concerns that can be avoided with proper care - including correct nutrition and regular veterinary visits. To find out more about how to keep your pet bird in top condition, read on.

The first thing that you need to understand is that all birds are slightly different. You can't treat a dog, cat, hamster, gerbil, or mouse in the same way that you would treat a bird and vice versa. Birds have different dietary requirements, and you need to make sure that you learn everything that a bird could need, as well as the specific requirements of your particular bird.

You should also be aware that many pet products on the market are not only not what's best for pet birds, but actively harmful. There's little regulation in this area, so it's legal for companies to produce and sell cages, toys, food, and medication that could be bad for your pet bird's health. The good news is that not every product is like this, and if you take a little time to find out how to care for your bird correctly, you can quickly rule out products that could cause harm.

Diet is very important for your bird. You need to ensure that the diet you feed your bird has the proper nutrients, and that's actually pretty simple for the most part. It's simple because there are great pellet packs out there that already have the right nutrients in them. Sometimes such seed packets are actually lacking, and you'll need to add supplements yourself. Not every pack is like that, but you still need to be wary of ones that might be.

Bad diet will make the bird vulnerable to infections, and even excessive growth of certain body parts such as it's beat and nails. It may also end up losing feathers, and as you're going to find out birds are extremely delicate. They may not look sick until the problem is progressed very far, and that's why you need to have regular checkups and good veterinarian that can help you with these problems as they arise.

A change in your bird's attitude as well as fluid discharge in odd places such as nostrils or beak, will probably indicate that the bird is ill, or may even have a diet issue. If you find that your bird is sick, then know that the other birds in the cage will probably begin to bully it. This is something that you want to take care of immediately because it could result in death unless you take action.

You need to pay attention and listen to the vet, even if it means a change in the way that you have always taken care of your beloved bird. You might have gotten the wrong cage, or set the environment up improperly. It could all be completely wrong and if you won't correct the problem then your bird may never get better. If you really love your pet bird, you'll do whatever is necessary to make sure that your bird is in top health.

Being observant and willing to learn are the things that are most important if you have a pet bird. Once you take the time to find out the best way to keep your pet, you'll have a much easier time keeping him or her in good health. - 17269

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