Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, August 16, 2009

What is Ischemic Heart Disease - Are You At Risk?

By Barb Hicks

Ischemic heart disease is defined as decreased blood flow to the heart due to narrowed coronary arteries. The obstruction results from cholesterol deposits sticking to the artery wall interrupting the flow of blood to the heart. The deposits harden causing hardening of the arteries. This is called atherosclerosis, which is a medical term sometimes interchanged with arteriosclerosis. Both have the same affect, whereby both impede blood flow to the heart.

Plaque buildup or arteriosclerosis is one common factor in the onset of Ischemic Heart Disease. High cholesterol and triglyceride levels are the cause for the plaque which in turn results in the blockage of blood vessels which feed the heart. As a result, blockage to the heart occurs which then leads to heart attack symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath and irregular heart beat. However, some patients may not even feel these symptoms as heart disease can also damage the nerves surrounding the heart.

Angina will eventually occur as time passes. This affliction, commonly referred to as the strangling of the heart and known in medical terms as Angina Pectoris, is a result of the lack of oxygen due to poor blood flow to the heart as a result of blockage. Anyone with this type of heart disease is at a greater risk for experiencing a heart attack or cardiac arrhythmia.

High blood pressure, genetics and diabetes are all risk factors for Ischemic Heart Disease. Simple things such as lifestyle changes including weight loss and quitting smoking, can alleviate or eliminate risks for this disease. However, it is very important to note that these changes, while beneficial for everyone will not cure someone who already has ischemic heart disease. In addition, anyone having already experienced a heart attack will probably experience another one within five years. Regular visits to a healthcare provider is a great step in monitoring this diseases progression, as well as alleviating or eliminating any additional future problems from occurring.

Ischemic Heart Disease can be prevented or its severity lessened with lifestyle changes and proper healthcare. Although the thought of changing your ways after twenty to thirty years of constant routine may seem an impossible task, the results and benefits of a longer life are well worth the effort. - 17269

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