Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

6 Facts About Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Sprays

By Alexander Malroy

Everywhere we turn these days we are bombarded by images of youth and vitality. Who wouldn't want to feel young and energetic rather than old and tired? Fear of aging has created a huge market for cosmetic surgeons and supplements. The Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is believed by some to be the fountain of youth to help slow and even reverse the signs of aging.

HGH is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. The production of this hormone peaks during puberty which is why growth spurts frequently occur during this time period. As we age, our bodies produce less of this important hormone.

Studies have shown that HGH may be linked to lowering cholesterol, reduce body fat and helps stimulate the cellular growth and repair. Furthermore, HGH can help strengthen bones and boost mood.

HGH can be delivered in three ways, injections, supplements and sprays with sprays appearing to be the most cost effective way and easiest way to self administer. Human Growth Hormone sprays are considered a drug and therefore are regulated by the FDA. It is extremely important that you make sure the spray you use is FDA regulated.

Almost all HGH sprays are administered orally. There are naysayers that claim that the HGH molecules are far to large to be absorbed through oral sprays, but all HGH sprays are homeopathic. Homeopathy means that the product helps the body heal itself with the overall goal of having no adverse effects. With Human Growth Hormone sprays, the properties are transferred to the spray, thereby making it able to be absorbed.

HGH sprays are administered twice a day and are low dose. This decrease the chance of overdosing and therefore lessens the side effects. Possible side effects of Human Growth Hormone include high blood pressure, fluid retention, carpal tunnel syndrome, joint paint and diabetes.

Spray pumps deliver HGH directly into the body. Since it is in a liquid form there are no fillers, of unnecessary products that are found in pills. The HGH spray is absorbed directly and thereby bypasses the digestive system for a more efficient delivery system.

To effectively slow the aging process you need to not only use an HGH spray, but also eat healthy and workout. Doing each of these key things will help you feel and look younger for years to come. - 17269

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