Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Abs Fitness

By James Statham

Do you want to know how to better you abs fitness? Well I'll tell you this, crunches are not the way to go if you want to have rock solid abs. You've probably read that crunches are effective in magazines related to fitness, however this isn't true! In this article, I'm going to tell you what really are the best abs exercises, and how you can succeed in getting ripped the proper way!

Now to get ripped, you don't need to go out and buy the next best abs fitness equipment. What is far more important, is lowering your body fat, and learning exactly how to do this. Even if you had the most muscly abs around, if there is a layer of body fat over your belly, you won't be able to show them off! Therefore, you need to get your diet sorted. Cutting out the foods which are high in fat, is essential. Also, cut out the rubbish, processed foods and sweets such as cakes and biscuits. If you don't, then you're only adding to the layer of belly fat, and you won't get the six pack you desire! Also, instead of eating three large meals a day, try spreading your meals out up to six smaller sized meals per day. This way, you'll take out the snacking you do between meals, as you won't feel as hungry!

To improve your abs fitness, it's also important to have a good workout routine. If you're jogging on the treadmill for hours on end, stop! This isn't intense enough and won't burn body fat quick enough. You need to have workouts that are short, and highly intense. Try to keep your workout no longer than an hour, otherwise your body will switch from a tissue building state, to a tissue destroying state. Did you know that you can't just burn fat from a specific area? That's right, when you burn fat, your body burns it, gram by gram, from all over your body. Therefore, a highly intense exercise will burn fat far quicker than a sit up ever could.

However not all cardio is bad. For optimal abs fitness, combining strength training and effective cardio is a must. For instance, swimming is a great cardio exercise. If you swim intensely for half an hour or so, you're working every single muscle in your body, and burning a ton of fat in the process! Combining cardio with strength training also gives you a break from the weights, which will allow you to recover.

If you take on board the three key points I have mentioned here, then you will see the results you desire. As long as you stay dedicated, and don't give up if you haven't got instant results, then your hard work in the gym will pay off! - 17269

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