Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Get Muscle Abs

By James Statham

Did you know that anyone can achieve strong, muscle abs? You don't have to have brilliant genes, or be naturally skinny. All you need is the correct methods of how to sculpt rock hard abs. The problem is, many guys who set out to achieve this goal are often mislead by either what friends say, or what the magazines say. In this article, I will reveal to you the top 3 myths about getting ripped abs, and how you can avoid them!

One myth is that to get muscle abs, you should be spending hours on the treadmill doing cardio work outs. Well this isn't true! Did you know that if you want to burn fat, it's important to try and raise your metabolism. The higher your metabolism, the more fat your body will want to burn! Now a cardio workout does have the opposite effect, and can actually lower it! What you should be doing is getting off the treadmill, and doing short, sharp workouts. The more intense and short the workout, not only will you be burning far more fat than a cardio exercise, but this will help to raise your metabolism!

Myth number 2 is that crunches and sit ups are the best exercises because they work the abs lke crazy. Well I'm going to tell you why this isn't true. Like I have mentioned, the most effective method to get muscle abs is to lower body fat levels, and target high intense exercises. Crunches are just too small an exercise, and won't burn no way near as much body fat as say a front squat exercise. People seem to think that by targeting a specific area, they'll be able to burn fat in that region alone. Imagine how strange some people would look if this was true! When you exercise, you burn fat, in equal amounts, from all over your body. This is why you should do exercises that will really work out your body!

The 3rd myth is starving yourself to lose weight quickly, thus revealing muscle abs. Yeah this a really good idea isn't it! Of course not! The reason why you can't see your abs is because you're eating foods that contain empty calories, such as crisps, biscuits, fizzy drink etc. If you want really great abs that you could see a mile off, you need to cut out these foods, as they only add to the layer of fat around your stomach. Instead of starving yourself, eat six small meals a day, that contain high protein. Having six small meals not only helps your body as there is a constant supply of nutrients, but will make you less likely to snack as you won't be as hungry!

Ignore what you read in the magazines about fat burner pills and powders. These products are generally a waste of money and will only leave you with a hole in your pocket! Stick to a good workout routine and meals, and you will get muscle abs! - 17269

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