Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Bank On Your Bones

By Anastacia Sampson

We may view our bones as white dense calcium structures, yet this should not neglect the notion of there being far more to bone health. The issue of bone health may only be considered as we near an older age or develop a form of bone disease or bone weakness. It has been shown that bone weakness may be prevented by ensuring deposits and vigilance on how we deliver those deposits to the bone tissue. Our bones are a calcium mineral bank and there is much security and staff in the running of that bank.

Along with our body monetary deliveries, our mineral calcium, there is need for accompanying security and safe modes of transfer to arrive at the bank of our bones. Other minerals are also imperative in bone health yet in lower levels, and fat is essential for bones! However much we like to shun fat, we need it. Studies seem to show obesity has not been linked to osteoporosis. Perhaps fat seems to serve the bones well and although excess fat may not increase propensity to bone weakness, it does to cardiovascular (such as hypertension) and other forms of disease.

However an obese patient will not be able to exercise and exercise is imperative to bone health. Exercise need not be strenuous as that actually can place a strain on the bones if not done with guidance. Mild physical exercise such as walking is a great aid to bone health! Try to do the walking and strolls on days when you have the leisure and time.

As we know other minerals are needed to maintain bone health, we also should not neglect the vitamins. Calcium absorption is affected by the presence of adequate vitamin A, as vitamin A enhances calcium absorption along the digestive tract. We should further appreciate that vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means it needs fat to be absorbed. To have adequate vitamin A we need fat to accompany it in our foods.

Only calcium supplements are one thing but can be improved by taking a balanced multi-mineral supplement. Then calcium and magnesium in almost equal dosages may well be required. Additionally supply accompanying vitamin A among other vitamins to support magnesium, is a boost. Generally to enhance absorption of that supplement have a wholesome food intake with cereal grains, vegetables, nuts and seeds making up the main portion of your meals instead of animal products.

Then we should always have a delivery of fat, the armed security guards, to secure safe delivery of calcium to our bone banks. Our bones are essential to keep our immune system and blood circulation supplied with required cells, the white blood cells, erythrocytes and platelets. To have health bones does support our immune system. Our bones may be quiet; the large yet stern and affluent mineral banks. Yet we need to learn how they operate to ensure our deposits are secure and safe, short and long term, for our benefit. - 17269

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