Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fitness Training Supplementation: What Works, What's Healthy and What's Not

By Levi Herbert

There are numerous sports supplements saturating the fitness industry claiming quick results with little effort. However, the problem lies with the consumer being able to determine which ones are beneficial and which ones are scams. Supplementation, if used properly and responsibly can be highly beneficial in muscle recovery, preventing injury and increasing general health. Below is a list of supplements I highly recommend to my customers.


Multivitamins should be taken by everyone, especially those that partake in a regular fitness routine. During a heavy workout, the body looses vital vitamins and minerals it needs for muscle recovery as well as the ability to remove foreign toxins. By taking a daily multivitamin, these lost nutrients are replaced making the body better able to recover from a workout as well as fight off unwanted infections.

Using Protein Powder

Many people discourage the use of protein powders as they believe they are the same as steroids and other chemical enhancements. This however, could not be further from the truth. In fact, protein powders taken before a workout can be highly beneficial as they promote quality calorie consumption as well as decreasing fat accumulation.

Protein powder is in essence a dehydrated or powdered chicken, simply to encourage convenience when time is not available to eat a full meal. The use of protein powders ALONG with a full and proper diet increases the recovery rate and boosts immune system, allowing for greater results.

Implementing Creatine

Clouted in controversy, creatine remains the most commonly misunderstood OTC supplement to date. With claims ranging from testicular atrophy, to rage, and further to liver and kidney failure, false representations appear to follow the name alone more than any other available supplement. Interestingly enough, creatine still remains the most researched, studied, and developed sports supplement ever isolated.

Ignore what you may have heard, besides slight water retention, creatine proves to have no other side effects associated with short or long term use, and further consists of completely natural ingredients. The benefits of creatine are many, with the most noticeable surrounding the decrease of lactic acid (the chemical causing "the burn associated with lifting weights), and a heavy decrease in recovery time.

Creatine Monohydrate is recommended at 5 grams daily. This can be absorbed into the muscles more quickly by mixing it with a cup of grape juice or other sugar based fruit juice. Creatine is generally available at local grocery and nutrition stores.

Proper supplementation continues to allow amazing benefits when used properly, and can allow your designated goals to appear much more obtainable. Of course there are more quality supplements than those listed above, yet the three I have noted come standard before considering further supplements in your fitness routine. Use them properly, and the results will continue to encourage hard work and persistence. - 17269

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