Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Food Intolerances

By Charlie Monaghan Carter

If like an increasing proportion of the population you are faced with needing to restrict your diet, implementation can be difficult.

Despite the fact that all food that we buy is labelled with the details of its contents, it can still be difficult to avoid certain food ingredients. There are some intolerances that are fairly common such as gluten and dairy and so foods that dont contain them are relatively easily found and the only time its a real problem is when youre eating out. The main problem here is that most of the time, chefs do not understand the full extent of the effects of a particular ingredient on someone who suffers from food intolerances.

Quite often a well meaning chef will add a small quantity of flour to thicken a sauce, believing that it will not be noticed. Indeed, if the intolerance sufferer doesnt implode on the spot, the chef is likely to believe that they have Gotten away with it and that the sufferer is not really suffering at all. They dont realise that sufferers usually suffer as the food is digested and the consequences last for several days.

This makes it very difficult for people suffering food intolerances as eating out can quickly become a huge gamble. The more foods you are intolerant to, the bigger the gamble and the greater the likelihood that you will accidentally eat something that will upset you. It is not always easy to provide a chef with a list of foods to avoid. The reason for this is that it is hard work to find good food that avoids many common foods, so many people will soon tire of trying to accommodate you. Dont be surprised if your invitations drop in quantity.

For the sake of your health, it is of the utmost importance that you avoid all foods that you have an intolerance to. It is very hard work for your body to process these foods and so to allow it to recover, you should stick to foods that you know your body can handle. Having said that, if you start eating just a few foods that you know arent going to upset you, you may find that you begin developing intolerances to them as well.

For this reason it is important to maintain as wide a diet as possible. This is sometimes difficult if people have many allergies, a lot of the time people will find foods that dont upset them, and stick to them so as to avoid triggering the intolerances. However, you should try to keep eating as wide a range of foods as you can to avoid slowly but surely becoming intolerant to everything. - 17269

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