Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Garden of Life Vitamin Code Mens Vitamins - A Natural Way To Approach Men's Health

By Ben Pate

Men need a diet rich in nutrients and minerals to keep them functioning at their optimal levels of performance. However it's statistically proven that men are less likely to pay proper attention to their health than women. For this reason men commonly have reduced immune function and suffer from lack of energy. The primary culprit for these problems is a nutrient deficiency in the foods that men eat. Garden of Life RAW Mens Supplements provides all the rounded nutrition that men need.

Vitamin Code Men's Formula, Garden of Life is designed specifically to address the health and nutrition needs of men. Vitamin Code Men's Formula provides an unsurpassed level of encompassing health aspects to promote physical energy and mental endurance while supporting the bodily immune system with vitamin E, lycopene, selenium and zinc. This unique blend of vitamins and minerals addresses men's health on fundamental psychological levels.

Providing an extreme synergistic blend of highly effective vitamins and minerals this formula delivers an encompassing and inclusive system that supports prostate, heart and vision health. Additionally the blend provides a verbose boost to daily energy and helps manage stress and digestion.

Providing a powerful blend of amino acids, antioxidants, enzymes and probiotics that are designed to boost the core aspects of the male body is the structural design of Vitamin Code RAW. This unique approach to wellness and health is what makes Vitamin Code RAW a step ahead of its competitors and so widely praised for using a specific and targeted method to approach the unique health needs of its consumers.

With each passing year the use of herbicides, fungicides and chemical fertilizers increases wildly as a way to make more food for a growing world. The painful truth of this fact is that as the years go by the food we produce is becoming much less nutritious for us. A comparison drawn of food nutrition between the 1960's and 70's to the present day shows that overall food nutrition has been reduced by almost 25 to 50 percent in just those few years.

Making the problem worse is the method in which we pack our foods. For convenience and safety we subject our foods to elaborate chemical treatments including irradiation, chemical preservation, and heating. While these processes may increase the overall safety of our food they greatly and further lower the nutritional quality and health benefits of the produce. By the time the produce actually reaches the consumer it has been put though so many changes that the nutrition of the product is a fraction of what it once was!

Many individuals don't realize that even simple things such as heating and cooking the foods you consume can kill their nutritional value. The Vitamin Code Mens system is capable of providing your body with the most nutrition from food by keeping the food in its natural form, free from alteration or chemical interference. This way the body gets the most natural and healthy form of food intake as nature wanted. - 17269

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