Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Michael Phelps and His Daily Workout

By Jesse Regan

Michael Phelps once said that you can not put a limit on anything. He also said that the more you dream, the further you get. Truer words could not have been spoken. After all, he would not have gotten to where he is now if not for his dreams, not to mention his passion and ironclad determination. Without all this, he would not have won eight gold medals in the Beijing Olympics in 2008, as well as break seven world records. Many have wondered how the man that has became known to the world as the greatest swimmer in the world accomplished such a feat in his young life. Well, not just with a dream of course. He had to work hard.

Some say that Phelps was able to obtain his triumph because of his overall genetic makeup and his strong swimmers physique. It has also been reported that even though other athletes would have to follow a strict diet, Michael Phelps does not have one. In fact his coach does not even restrict any kind of food from his diet, so he eats whatever he wants. While this might be true, it cannot be denied that he would not have achieved such a physique if not for a rigorous daily workout routine. What exactly is this daily workout?

Years ago, Michael Phelpss coach hired a personal trainer who customized a workout regimen suited for Phelpss body type and is also swimmer - friendly. The first thing on his workout regimen is stretching. After appropriately stretching his muscles to prevent cramping, he does strength training for one hour, three times a week. Unlike other kinds of strength training, his concentrates on building up his flexibility and muscle endurance.

To advance his stroke power, Michael Phelps performs the diagonal wood chopper, which is done by making a chopping motion down across the body by moving a medicine ball towards the ground outside of his foot. Another training exercise that he does is called the straight wood chopper in which he makes an up and down chopping motion with the ball in his hands.

Once strength training is done, Michael proceeds to cardiovascular exercises. His coach and trainer make him do cycles on a stationary bike. This is because the usual calisthenics, running and jumping that usually comprise a cardiovascular workout is deemed to be hazardous to Michaels knees, whereas pedaling gives him the same workout without the risk. He also does hours of swim training, equivalent to eight miles of swimming, in order to master his technique and improve his time.

Michael Phelpss unusual athletic diet and exercise regimen might prove to be too much for an ordinary man or even an ordinary athlete but it seems to work like magic on Michael Phelps. He is nothing but extraordinary and he has proven that in the last year. With his determination and drive, there is no doubt that this is not the end of Michael Phelps's swimming prowess.

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