Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, September 28, 2009

Negative Calorie Foods Diet Tree

By Stan Towers

Anyone who has done any type of research on weight loss and diets has heard of negative calorie foods. This diet has come under a lot of negative attention, but despite all this press many different fad diets are based on the negative calorie foods concept. Despite all the negative hub bub, there are a lot of imitators, indicating that maybe the base idea isn't so crazy after all.

There are a large number of diets that revolve around a fruit or vegetable that appear on a negative calorie foods list. If imitation is still considered the top form of flattery, then eating plans such as the cabbage soup diet, grapefruit diet, and pineapple diet are all paying fine tribute.

The pineapple diet has several different forms, but all revolve around eating a lot of pineapple. Pineapple is found on the negative calorie foods list, and is often mentioned as a healthy food that has enzymes that are hard for the body to break down, encouraging weight loss.

Of all the diet examples listed, perhaps the cabbage soup diet is the most well known, and also the eating plan that most firmly uses negative calorie foods. Aside from the three days where only certain types of fruits and vegetables are allowed (other than the soup), the base soup of this diet is made almost completely from ingredients that appear on the famous list of these foods. Compare the two and the similarities will jump out at you.

And the grapefruit diet is yet another example of an eating plan that could have been designed simply by picking out a person's favorite negative calorie food and just running with it. Grapefruit has enormous popularity as a diet food because it is high in water, fiber, and vitamins and low in calories. In addition to all this, grapefruit is notoriously hard for the body to break down and process, forcing your body to work and burn more calories to process it.

Many different vegetables are listed as "negative calorie foods," meaning that vegetarian diets are going to have many of these foods. The biggest difference will be that vegetarians can eat high calorie vegetables and things like grain and rice " which are not on the list.

These are just a few of many diets that seem to branch off from the idea of negative calorie foods. While none of them are likely to admit this, the eating plans and emphasis on certain types of foods making up the majority of the diet are similar ideas.

While the argument is likely to continue, it's hard to argue that the fruits and vegetables on this list are all very healthy and a key part of any eating plan designed to lose weight. No matter what the additional arguments are, imitations show that negative calorie foods are likely to remain popular. - 17269

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