Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Problem With Health.

By John Windsor

When we think about health do we always associate it with the TV and Newspaper advertising that drops like an avalanche on us by the drug companies. Can these wonder pills actually be good for us.

Money is the key for these companies. We have latent fears about our health that are exaggerated by their advertising tactics. This fear is the key motivator for us to go out and buy their products.

We worry ourselves into a state of disrepair, much in the same way as our cars can break down if the correct maintenance is not given. Our mechanic as it where, could be merely a change in the way we think about our health, but how can we do this. Is there an actual technique we can use to change our viewpoint, let's see.

Examining the control centre within us is always a good place to start, so let's take a look at how this marvellous computer called our brain actually functions.

We need to look at basics first so let's look at the control room behind us which we know as the brain. What is the brain?

Another thing to consider is that there is a left brain and a right brain. The left brain is our thinking side and decides on a course of action, the left brain is our creative side which helps with artistic talents.

"Right John enough of this science stuff what's next"

"OK John Boy so where are you going with all this science babble".

The conscious aspect of us isn't something that we need to consider at this point only the subconscious element, for a very good reason.

We needn't worry about the conscious bit, but we do need to look at the subconscious part. The bit which is creative and here's why.

"What are you on about, talk a bit of sense man!"

Ok hold your horses, I haven't completely lost it...yet. We have to think a little bit outside the box to make sense of this. Think of it as caravan behind a tow car if you like. It's connected but detachable, we know it's there and connected but is not really a part of us, only an extension.

Labels are sometimes necessary to make us comfortable about something, so let's call it our soul if you like.

I suppose if we must put a label on it the most common one would be our soul. That vital life spark that guides us day by day.

"All very interesting, but what the heck has this got to do with our health?"

Ok I was just getting to this.

"Just wait one cotton picking minute here. If it has all the answers, then why don't I get a heads up BEFORE the grief happens, it would just make life so much easier."

Fair point, but communication is the big problem here. Our soul is not man made like English is for instance, but an ethereal essence that transcends us. So an interpreter is needed to convey the messages in a way that we can understand.

Good point, the problem is that our soul element doesn't communicate in the same language that we do, how can it, as language is a man made thing. If we accept my rantings for a moment, then this soul thing needs an interpreter to communicate with our brain with a language that both parties understand.

No, what I'm saying is that the messages are relayed to us in a form that we can't interpret properly until we've learnt to develop our senses correctly. The way that we understand these messages is in the form of a feeling or perhaps through dj vue.

"Right, so what you're actually saying is that our soul knows absolutely everything, can tell us how to heal ourselves and give us a heads up on the next lot of lottery results.



Very simple answer, it's because we hear but we don't listen half the time. We run around with no direction and because of this we can contract an illness or disease, or to put it another way dis-ease.

Our interpretation skills haven't quite developed to a point that we can learn from these messages.

"So you're saying that this is something we must develop, but how?"

This my friend is for another time, but don't worry just join my newsletter and we can work it out together.

Until then just remember.

Thoughts become things, always chose the good ones.

Your Friend

John - 17269

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