Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, September 25, 2009

Ten Steps to Reduce Bruising, Step 3 - This Should Be Your First Change In Your Diet!

By Carolyn Cooper

If you determine that easy bruising has become a problem for you, you come to the conclusion that it is essential for you to evaluate your diet. The way that we look and feel has a great deal to do with the food that we eat, and this fact is a major reason that you should examine your diet. Take the time necessary too learn more about how you can get the results that you desire by eating healthier.

If you really want to reduce bruising, the first thing you need to learn about is going to be a working knowledge of how your circulatory system works. How frequently and how badly you bruise is to a large degree dependent on your circulatory system. Aging affects the circulatory system which means that the smallest of your blood vessels, known as capillaries, are going to become more fragile as their walls thin. It's worth taking a few minutes to consider how these changes might affect your bruising easily.

As your skin is growing less elastic and providing you with less protection than you need, and as the walls of your blood vessels are growing thinner and becoming easier to rupture, you have the framework of conditions that will lead directly to more bruising. You do not have to give up on this being an issue that you have to just live with. Instead, it is important to remember that this condition is something that can be treated and overcome.

Modifying or changing your diet can help you take care of your easy bruising, and these modifications will also help you maintain a higher degree of general health as well. Eating well needs to be a priority in everyone's life, so remember that educating yourself on food and how it can affect the way that you feel is essential. Consider some of the following important facts and see what some changes that you can make might be.

One of the first things that you should consider is starting and keeping a food diary. A diary will allow you to evaluate your current diet and make it easier to affect changes you might need to make. Your diary will provide you a real analysis about the amount of fruits and vegetables that are present in your diet, and will also outline how much overly processed food that you eat.

Remember that eating foods that are high in carbohydrates and high in fat will eventually start to have effects on your easy bruising and on your ability to stay healthy as well. When you eat foods that have a lot of salt or fat in them, you are creating a lack of balance in your body. For instance, many foods are very high in sodium, and this makes your blood pressure go up. With that in mind, you will discover that more pressure on the vein will make it that much easier to break it or to contuse it in such a way that you will bruise.

When you consider what you should include in your diet and what choices you can make, make certain that you have plenty of brightly colored fruits and vegetables included; brightly colored vegetables and fruits typically have high levels of nutrients that your body needs. Sweet potatoes, red peppers, and squash are all good vegetable choices.

After determining what you should and should not eat while you're trying to help yourself overcome your bruising easily, select a diet and stick to it. After you have adjusted your diet, understand the benefits that you can obtain by adding a daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned, which will help you reduce bruising or prevent bruising easily altogether. - 17269

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